AuthorTopic: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)  (Read 157609 times)

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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #180 on: October 20 2005, 12:50 pm »
<--- If you want weird, check out where I'm located. That tells you how weird I am.

Offline Alexiel

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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
« Reply #181 on: October 20 2005, 01:10 pm »
lols, you're not crazy--or weird moezy-chan, just under pressure of everyday life  (and a bit of insanity i guess :lol:)

Randomness: Name one thing during your school years that you thought was weird/funny.

 > One funny thing that happened a few months ago before summer vacation... St Patrick's day was coming up... my history teacher had mentioned something funny yet disturbing... *lol* Since he's Irish (or was it Scottish? oO) he mentioned that he was going to wax his legs and wear a kilt to school that day... rofl!! But he never really did it :sweatdrop:

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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #182 on: October 20 2005, 01:15 pm »
Hmm...something that was weird or funny.

My Japanese Language teacher tossing our school Mascot (the panther) like a ragdoll. And we got it on tape, too!
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #183 on: October 20 2005, 01:31 pm »
Got a good one!

When I was in the 6th grade, my math teacher was going over fire procedure, and what we should do in the event that there was a fire in the building. She told us which were the emergency exits and showed us the pathway that we should go. Now I was always the type of student to ask really weird questions. Also, this ties into the story. The class was on the 3rd floor. Here's what I asked her:

"What if there was a fire, and it was right outside our door? How would we escape?"

I was expecting her to tell me to shut up and stop asking stupid questions, because that's what my teachers always did. Instead she said:

"If that happens, then we'll tie all the bookbags together and climb down the side of the building."

Then she said, "Or we could throw all the really tall jocks outside of the window, and they could catch the rest of us!"

I still remember that, and it makes me laugh everytime I tell it!  :laughing4:

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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #184 on: October 20 2005, 02:06 pm »
HAHAHA! That was a good one!

Oh! I've got another! It's kinda one of those, "you had to be there" sort of things, but I'll see what I can do, haha.
My grade 8 teacher Mr.Corbett had a serious....err....scratching issue. He would always itch himself during class and it was extremely disturbing. He tried to do it descreetly, so he still doesn't think any of us know about it. He also always wore shorts without any underwear (I know this because he would always stick his leg up on the desks [shiver]), which was extremely disturbing.
Well, one day we were in class and we were having some discussion and he was like, "Now, I'm just ITCHING to know what you kids think about this!"
And right then, this kid in the front row collapses on the ground laughing so hard and he wouldn't stop laughing for the next 10 minutes. I swear, his face was as red as his hair.
Again, sort of a "you had to be there and suffer with the rest of us" sort of thing. Whatever.

Oh! Last year, my Socials teacher, Tudella, is a really really short guy (he's got to be only about 5'3''....he's around the same height as me), and everyone would go out of their way to make fun of him...
Not in a mean way of course, cause he'd beat the crap out of you if you did. Anyways, there was this one time, he was writing on the overhead and his pen dried out and he threw it across the room in anger. So I raised my hand and said, "You know, Too-Tiny (my nickname for him, haha), I think the reason you get so angry is because you're so small you can only hold one emotion at a time."
Hehe, I got applause for that.
But he swears by the time I'm done with Highschool he's going to find a way to pubicly humiliate me. I laughed, and laughed and laughed.
But I don't doubt that he'll think of something.
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #185 on: October 20 2005, 04:26 pm »
I found both stories funny Endoh-chan! They were hilarious! Especially the first one! Can't think of any other stories though. I'll get back to you on that.

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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #186 on: October 20 2005, 04:33 pm »
Those were funny, Endoh-chan! *giggles* It's too bad, I don't have any memories to recall of that were funny when I went to school. I mean, there probably is something.. but I just can't remember it. I should go out walking more. Help my memories came back into place. Most the memories I have aren't really hilarious. Oh well. But I enjoyed reading about yours and Moezy-chan's.
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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #187 on: October 20 2005, 04:38 pm »
Oh well. But I enjoyed reading about yours and Moezy-chan's.

Arigatou! I love remembering that story. She was always one of my favorite teachers because she always answered my questions, no matter how weird they were!

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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #188 on: October 20 2005, 04:42 pm »
That's nice. I didn't have nice teachers like that. Then again, I was never one to ask questions unless it was about an assignment we were given and I'd be stuck on it.
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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #189 on: October 20 2005, 04:43 pm »
I have a lot of stories, I can't even remember them all.
My life is amusing.

I'd tell the Shotgun story....but that had nothing to do with school, haha!
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #190 on: October 20 2005, 04:51 pm »
It was, especially considering that it was junior high (aka middle school). I rarely got a teacher that would listen to me. Oh, I just remembered another story about this teacher, but it was with my sister instead! As you know I have 2 sisters. My oldest sister, she was born 2nd after my brother, and my 2nd older sister. This is about her.

She didn't have this teacher but she did have her for study hall one day. There was this guy that was in my grade, and in a few of my classes, and he was basically a parrot. Everything you said he would copy you just to annoy the he** out you. Well he had study hall with my sister one day, and he new she was my sister, so he teased her, because he always loved to tease me. And no, he didn't like me. Well, my sister couldn't stand it and told him to back off. He just kept saying, "Back off, back off." Like the dumb parrot he was.

Finally my sister couldn't take it anymore, grabbed her purse, and hit him on the head! He yelled, and called the teacher over, and she asked what was wrong.

And he kept repeating, "She hit me, she hit me!"

She then said, "She didn't hit you. How could you blame her for such a thing?! Now sit down before I give you detention!"

I wasn't there, but just telling somebody gets me laughing everytime!

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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #191 on: October 20 2005, 05:07 pm »
Hehe, that reminds me of something. There was a guy that bugged the he** out me althought high school. I met him in 10th grade.. and yeah.

Anyway, I think the situation happened just recently. I don't remember exactly. I'm pretty sure it was this year. It was in the morning and I always went to the lunch room and hang out with friends before school started. The guy's name is steven. He had a reddish mark on his neck that morning and I asked what it was. He said, lying, that it was a hickery. I laughed and said, " Oh yeah, like anyone would give you a hickery! "

My friends around me starting laughing and he was embarrassed! It was so funny! Then he said that it was mark from playing paintball. Ha!

He was usually the one to make me embarrased in some way. In my junior year, he'd say that he told the guy I liked that I had a crush on him. ( Steven had a class with him and they're friends too. ) and I would in return get upset with him and beat him with my purse. Haha.
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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #192 on: October 20 2005, 05:13 pm »
And now you know men; that's why women always carry purses! Fear us! Just kidding. That was funny though Genki_Girl!


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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #193 on: October 21 2005, 03:32 am »
I just remember another story! This is from college, 1 year ago. As some of you may know, I changed my major around a few times, before I decided to major in Early Childhood Education, to become a teacher. When I started this major, I had 4 classes. General Psychology, Arts & Science (lab class), Sociology, and Foundations of Education (the history and philosophy of education). Of the 4 classes, my favorite was Foundations. I loved this class, the professor, and this was the class that I met that guy I have my crush on! This is the class he always walked me to! Hanyaan!  :inlove:

That's besides the point though. Now back to the story. Everybody in that class new that this was my favorite class because I would say it everytime I came in. Sometimes I would get teased for it, but I didn't care. I just loved this class! Even if my crush wasn't in there.

Anyways, my professor was stating various reasons as to why some students come to class:

Some come because of the credit points they get.
Some because there might be information on the test that they could use.

Can't remember the other reasons, but as he was telling these reasons, this one girl 2 seats behind me suddenly spoke up and said, "Or you come because it's your favorite class!"

That's when I suddenly broke into laughter, and so did the rest of the classroom! Sumimasen if that wasn't too funny.

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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #194 on: October 22 2005, 01:23 pm »
Aah..finally good to be back in front of the computer! *hugs PC* haha! So, how's everyone. Oh, I missed you guys! 3 weeks of pure academic torture is so worth it, especially since.....well....I'm getting BRACES! Oh yeah, no more teasing from my classmates! Life is so good.

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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Threa
« Reply #195 on: October 22 2005, 01:31 pm »
Braces are a good thing? Lol, well, at least I took em off. I think its heaven now. xD But anyway... life is boring. :sweatdrop:

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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #196 on: October 22 2005, 01:36 pm »
Braces aren't that bad these days, since so many people have them.
I had them, and nobody noticed!
And plus, your teeth are so much prettier after!
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #197 on: October 22 2005, 01:37 pm »
Excuse me but I'm just so happy to be free of school for the most of 2 weeks! Here. Cookie! *gives cookie*

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99% of the female population all think that Syaoran is the hottest bishie ever in both TRC & CCS. 1% is me! XD If you're one of the 1% who isn't so possesive over Syaoran, and wants him to be with Sakura only, copy and paste this into your sig.


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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #198 on: October 22 2005, 01:55 pm »
I never had braces, but my older sister needed them. Weird thing of it is, people are constantly telling her that she needs braces because her teeth are still crooked, even though she had them, and people are always asking saying that I must have had braces because my teeth are so straight, even though I never had them.

And no, I don't really take care of my teeth. I bite my nails, grind my teeth, and I used to chew pencils when I was younger.

Offline Ralea

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Re: The Post Thread VII (AKA The Meaningless Thread)
« Reply #199 on: October 22 2005, 02:23 pm »
My two front teeth are the problem. I'm just happy something's about to be done about them. Oops off-topic, haha.

Something weird and funny at school.....

There's always been an onraging battle between the students at our school and the street children living near our school. They usually throw stones at the windows of our school, breaking the glass and stuffff. One time, this child snuck in the school. Last time he did that, a teacher came charging at him with a sword. Since the only ones who saw him was our class, my classmates did the battle stuff. It was really hilarious, they were like "cover that area there" and "make sure he they don't get past that line.." as if it was a real battle. Haha, they used the old swords for CAT training, and they suddenly were like "Yaaaaa!!!!" Haha, the kids fled after that.

~Forum family~                                             
Onii-chan : Kuropuppy
Onee-chan : Sayora Chan, lika-ichi
Ate : princess kakurine
Imoto-chan : Zeldi, Monse-chan
Twin sisters : fisah, xOLight AngelxO
Cousins : sofiacardcaptors, bluetopaz
Niece : Asuka

99% of the female population all think that Syaoran is the hottest bishie ever in both TRC & CCS. 1% is me! XD If you're one of the 1% who isn't so possesive over Syaoran, and wants him to be with Sakura only, copy and paste this into your sig.