AuthorTopic: How do you celebrate your holidays?  (Read 11928 times)

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Re: How do you celebrate your holidays?
« Reply #20 on: October 11 2005, 07:18 am »
Easter  hmm..?
 hahaha  mom writes a note for my  little brother explaining why the easter bunny couldn't hide the candy  (he's doesn't belive in it anymore but it's still fun to write) 
The cat would attack T.E. Bunny and he'd knock over a plant or something and leave a bag of candy by the front door with the door slightly opened.

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Re: How do you celebrate your holidays?
« Reply #21 on: October 11 2005, 07:32 am »
For Easter, we go to church, then come home and eat around 3:00. I'm not the best cook in the world, and I want to learn, so this Easter I asked my mom to teach me, and I was helping her cook the ham. We pulled it out, and I started to cut it, and I was sick for the rest of the day. As I was cutting the ham, I had a vile taste in my mouth, and I threw up. I can't stand the smell of meat. I'm not a vegatarian, but I've seriously considered it. I hate meat.

Also, we set up a basket filled with jelly beans and chocolate bunnys, and crosses, and anything else religious you can think of. Did I also mention, chocolate and any other form of sugar makes me sick. Basically, all of my holidays su** ***. But what are you gonna do. I still love Christmas, well actually the season before Christmas. My Christmas mornings are always horrible. All holidays are.

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Re: How do you celebrate your holidays?
« Reply #22 on: October 11 2005, 08:00 am »
I love holidays. Even if its just for the food. XD Hmm... I guess mine usually go like this:

Halloween: Do nothing. XD

Thanksgiving: Have the family over and eat big dinner.

Christmas: About two weeks prior, go to tree farm and have the traditional argument over which tree to chop down. -__-; Decorate the tree and house... bake cookies and decorate them. Christmas morning, open presents and stockings. Afternoon, the rest of the extended family comes over and we eat dinner and open more presents, then hang out in what's usually a very messy living room by now.

New Years: Stay up at home until midnight watching the ball drop on TV. (if that, even).

Easter: Go to church in the morning, then go to grandma's and find plastic easter eggs that she hides with candy and money inside. XD Nooo... I still can't be too old for that. XD Eat big dinner. -__-;

July 4th: Go to uncle's cabin and grill hot dogs and hamburgers. Watch fireworks outside grandma's apartment (she lives right next to the field where they set them off... you can lay down on the grass and they explode right over your head)

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Re: How do you celebrate your holidays?
« Reply #23 on: October 11 2005, 02:18 pm »
Mine, we celebrate our holiday even though my mother is in foreign country like Christmas and New Year we feast after 12 midnight,calling my mother for it and also watching some beautiful fireworks in the night sky!!! :hehe: :okay:
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Re: How do you celebrate your holidays?
« Reply #24 on: October 12 2005, 05:17 am »
Christmas: My family(only mom, dad, me and my brothers) meet... Mom makes the food, cleans the house and
everything. Then she's mad 'cause no one helps her(that happens on every special occation, actually... :tard:).
When everyone's a bit more settled, we sit down and give our presents... Yeah.

Thanksgiving: No such thing in Sweden. :haha: Never celebrated it.

Birthday: Almost the same as for christmas...

New Years: Almost the same as for christmas and birthdays, except no presents. And we get along a bit
better too. Is it the cider that does it? :shifty: And shoot tons of fireworks! :tongue:
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Re: How do you celebrate your holidays?
« Reply #25 on: October 12 2005, 08:54 am »
I celebrate all my holidays with drunk relatives.
Damn their fun to confuse! [watches 'em walk into a door]

I still remember when I was 8, and I was at my Great Uncle Johns for their anual Christmas party and my cousin Susie came stumbling up to everyone and screaming, "YOU ARE SO CUUUUUUUUUUTE!" and gave them all a bear hug, haha.
Scared the crap out of me when she did it to me, though, haha!

We don't have those Christmas parties anymore, there was an....incident.
AKA: Big drunken fight which caused most of the family to break apart.

Portugese people are so emotional, ahha.
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