CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 1

[TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish

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i'm waiting for the sub  :(  :cry:

it gonna take a while :( :snore:

*sigh*  :shifty:

Just read this in the Live-Evil TRC Thread on their forums:

--- Quote ---A request to all of you Tsubasa fans. Kindly please do not come to #live-evil enquiring as to the whereabouts of Tsubasa 26. It was not translated as usual by Tofusensei at the weekend and at the last count of knowing was undergoing translation whilst he was travelling the USA on business.

The last thing that we know is that he will be home sometime on Wednesday to complete the fansubbing process on Tsubasa 26 and encode it. Please DONT ask us when it's coming out as we can't do ANYTHING till tofu comes online and we'd rather not have high blood pressure in the IRC channel from a constant stream of people enquiring as to the whereabouts of this particular fansub release.

Thank you in advance for your co-operation

--- End quote ---

Guess we can only wait now.


--- Quote from: SLi on October 19 2005, 01:02 pm ---Just read this in the Live-Evil TRC Thread on their forums:

Guess we can only wait now.

--- End quote ---

*sigh*.. thank you... my friend is going to beat me up cause we're both so anxious for trc.. but only i can get access to it..

wiii i see.. @@
i watched the epi in chinese and i want the subs TT
the subs aren't in subs into spanish and english >_< so i'm very impatient @@

wel.. we have to wait n.n'

Miss Jenni-Maie:
This is where being impatient is a major downfall.
I can't even download the RAW version because my Bittorrent doesn't work! Blah!
I want my Syao-chan! [sobs histerically]


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