AuthorTopic: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish  (Read 49612 times)

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Offline Cardcaptor Takato

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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #60 on: October 29 2005, 07:38 am »
This episode was pretty good for a filler-in but kind of disappointing for a season finale.  I was expecting something a little more dramatic, but at least they didn't leave us off with a cliff hanger.  I was kind of surprised that Sakura and Shaoran were teens in the flashback this time around since in almost all of the previous flashbacks they were still kids and I liked how we're finally starting to learn a little bit more about the villians.  There was one thing about the episode that kind of confused me which is a spoiler for episode 25: I thought the world of Outo went back to being a game in episode 25, and if that's true, shouldn't have Shaoran's sword have went back to the game?  Why does he still have that sword with him if Outo went back to being a game?  Or did I get confused about something in that episode?  Anyway, it was a good episode and I thought Shaoran looked even hotter than usual in it with his flexed out muscles.  But I'm still sad that we're going to have to wait six more months for season two.  At least this will give me the chance to catch up on some other anime series I've been meaning to watch, but I wanna see more Tsubasa!  I hope the movie will be released on DVD and fansubbed soon, so I can at least have my appetite for more Tsubasa filled while waiting for the second season!
When her leathery, crow-footed face turned towards my raised hand and said, “Yes, the boy in the Sailor Mercury t-shirt,” I sprung into action. It took me a brief 20 seconds to acquire the bokken (wooden sword) I had secured to the underside of our chairs with duct tape the night previous. Shouting “Japan BANZAIII!” in the manner of those noble kamikaze pilots from the War of United States Aggression (so tactlessly referred to in your history books as “World War II”), I charged the stage, bringing down the bokken forcefully onto the plywood table in front of Tiffany Grant. It was a tragic mistake not to channel my ki correctly. The bokken splintered into a thousand pieces, leaving me with no other plan of attack besides shouting, “You’re no Asuka!” as two Ohayocon toughs escorted me out of the

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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #61 on: October 30 2005, 01:24 am »
ITS SO KAWAIII >.< i loved it! even though..its kinda filler-ish BUT ITS SOO CUTE..I JUST WANNA..LIKE..AHHH!!

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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #62 on: October 30 2005, 01:55 am »
Ah? Cardcaptor Takato, I think you were just confused about something...
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Syaoran's sword became real while the game wasbeing made into reality. They already transferred worlds before it wzs restored back to being just 'virtual'

This episode was kinda disappointing though... cute but not what I expected. >.< But the people already posted about it. ^_^

Offline hiiragizawa

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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #63 on: October 30 2005, 02:02 am »
Did you guys realise that Sakura save her own kingdom ?
It WAS a good ending. (and in my opinion, gives a good relation between past and future).
It also shows that being unselfish pays.
Wonderful ending for the 1st season.

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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #64 on: October 30 2005, 03:44 am »
There's one thing i didn't get though. Those ruins, why were they in that world too? or was that in the end just a quick flash to Clow world?
maybe that world is Clow world in the future?

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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #65 on: October 30 2005, 04:02 am »
You know... they replaced the bunnies. Those adorable [mutated] bunnies! NO!! >_< It was so funny when I read about it in the manga. xD Too bad they didn't show it. >_>

Besides the filler-ish atmoshpere in the episode, it was okay... somewhat. I still wanted the bunnies! Lol!

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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #66 on: October 30 2005, 04:07 am »
i wonder when the black mokona comes in

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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #67 on: October 30 2005, 05:12 am »
There's one thing i didn't get though. Those ruins, why were they in that world too? or was that in the end just a quick flash to Clow world?
maybe that world is Clow world in the future?

If you look carefully, the quick flash back at the end of the show has plants growing around those ruins. In Syaoran and Sakura's flashbacks, there wasn't any.
To me, I interpret it as the past of Clow kingdom.
And I feel it's also Clow Kingdom as Sakura (being royalty) was able to 'feel' the sadness of the people.

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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #68 on: October 30 2005, 12:10 pm »
Oookayy... I thought that was a little weird. But I loved the fighting scenes! Fai looks so darn cool when he fights, Wai! I thought the end was kinda sweet ya know?

But, I seriously can't wait till next APRIL for season two to come out wahhh!!! I wan't to see more of Fai!!!!
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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #69 on: October 30 2005, 04:55 pm »
Hmm... so some are theorizing that this world was actually Clow at another time period? That's possible. Intriguing. If so, that would make it better.
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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #70 on: October 30 2005, 07:39 pm »
Hmm... so some are theorizing that this world was actually Clow at another time period? That's possible. Intriguing. If so, that would make it better.
Anybody felt the same thing too? Or is it just me who feels that they were in the past of Clow kingdom?

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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #71 on: October 31 2005, 12:14 pm »
Anybody felt the same thing too? Or is it just me who feels that they were in the past of Clow kingdom?

Yeah, I thought the same thing as you guys. I need to rewatch the episode and look more into it, but many clues point to that. This would create a very intriguing parallel world dimensional dilemma with Sakura travelling back to the past to wish for happiness for the people.

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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #72 on: October 31 2005, 12:50 pm »
Yeah, I thought the same thing as you guys. I need to rewatch the episode and look more into it, but many clues point to that. This would create a very intriguing parallel world dimensional dilemma with Sakura travelling back to the past to wish for happiness for the people.

Does the future dictates our choices in the past? And vice-versa?

Like Yuuko mentioned, there can only be fate. It's a one way street.

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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #73 on: November 01 2005, 02:49 pm »

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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #74 on: November 01 2005, 06:47 pm »
It's hard to believe that that's the last episode for a while......I wasn't sure what to think of this episode, to be honest. As another filler, it didn't really show the characters in the right light all of the time - I'm sure some of the script didn't really fit them! But otherwise, it was a good attempt at leaving everyone longing for the next season, and some of the fight scenes were their best yet! (Especially Fai's!)

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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #75 on: November 02 2005, 02:36 am »
i just can't belive that it was the season ender already and we still need to wait until april for the second season,,,
huhuhu... i just wish it'll come out sooner... i'm already missing or syao and saku! =(

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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #76 on: November 02 2005, 02:40 am »
Watched the episode too. Good episode, generally, though I think episode 25 was more suited to end the season, rather than this one. Kurogane is right, Sakura is too nice.
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One thing I don't like is that the dead villagers were brought back to life. In the manga it's a pretty big point that no matter what power they use, the dead can't be brought back. It's mentioned in Koryo country with Chun-Hyang's mother, and the idea also serves a big role in Shurano/Sharano country. I wonder how they're going to explain that when they reach that country at the second season, when we know the dead can and have been brought back already.
I have two theories that could possibly explain how Sakura's wish could have worked, but keep in mind that this is just my personal opinion and I could be totally wrong about it. Spoiler alert: Maybe the fact that the dead can't be brought back to life only applies to certain worlds but not to the Clow world.  Like, some worlds have kudan, others have hijitsu and others have some other form of magic in it, but Shaoran said there wasn't magic in the Clow world.  So, maybe like how some worlds have magic in it but the Clow world doesn't, some worlds can bring back the dead to life and some worlds can't.  Or maybe it's because Sakura could have indirectly wished for the dead to be brought back to life.  Like, when she's about to make her wish, she comments about how she can't wish for her own happiness when other people are unhappy, so maybe she wished for that lady's happiness and the dead were brought back to life as an indirect byproduct of that wish.  So, maybe you can't directly wish for people to be brought back to life, but people can be brought back to life indirectly depending on your wish.  Or we could always just chalk it up to the Bee-Train scriptwriters being inconsistent with their filler-ins.
When her leathery, crow-footed face turned towards my raised hand and said, “Yes, the boy in the Sailor Mercury t-shirt,” I sprung into action. It took me a brief 20 seconds to acquire the bokken (wooden sword) I had secured to the underside of our chairs with duct tape the night previous. Shouting “Japan BANZAIII!” in the manner of those noble kamikaze pilots from the War of United States Aggression (so tactlessly referred to in your history books as “World War II”), I charged the stage, bringing down the bokken forcefully onto the plywood table in front of Tiffany Grant. It was a tragic mistake not to channel my ki correctly. The bokken splintered into a thousand pieces, leaving me with no other plan of attack besides shouting, “You’re no Asuka!” as two Ohayocon toughs escorted me out of the

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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #77 on: November 02 2005, 05:12 am »
I was talking to a friend the other day about this, and he came up with a theory that I hadn't thought of concerning the whole brought-back-to-life issue. We know that Yuuko not only has the time to move through dimensions, but to move through time. Sakura's feathers are also supposed to grant the power to move through dimensions (since that is why Fei Wong Reed is after the feathers in the first place) so it is entirely possible that they also have the power to move through time. Granting Sakura's wish could have been accomplished by going back in time to just before the the men died and then transporting them to the future. That way, they aren't techincally brought back from the dead, but from the past.
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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #78 on: November 07 2005, 05:32 am »

lookie syaorann >.<

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Re: [TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
« Reply #79 on: November 07 2005, 02:52 pm »
ahhh, my last thoughts on this episode.
Well, it waasn't a great ending. The only reason it was totally awesome is one quote.
"Hime niwa... Chikazukena!!"
According to translator-tachi, my dear Syaoran-kun swore!! "Stay the hell away from her" was the translation!! Not only was this a kawaii "protect the princess" moment, but he swore at one of the bad guy's flunkies!
Totally awesome. :love4:
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