CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 1

[TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish

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You know... they replaced the bunnies. Those adorable [mutated] bunnies! NO!! >_< It was so funny when I read about it in the manga. xD Too bad they didn't show it. >_>

Besides the filler-ish atmoshpere in the episode, it was okay... somewhat. I still wanted the bunnies! Lol!

i wonder when the black mokona comes in


--- Quote from: Meowzy on October 30 2005, 03:44 am ---There's one thing i didn't get though. Those ruins, why were they in that world too? or was that in the end just a quick flash to Clow world?
maybe that world is Clow world in the future?

--- End quote ---

If you look carefully, the quick flash back at the end of the show has plants growing around those ruins. In Syaoran and Sakura's flashbacks, there wasn't any.
To me, I interpret it as the past of Clow kingdom.
And I feel it's also Clow Kingdom as Sakura (being royalty) was able to 'feel' the sadness of the people.

Oookayy... I thought that was a little weird. But I loved the fighting scenes! Fai looks so darn cool when he fights, Wai! I thought the end was kinda sweet ya know?

But, I seriously can't wait till next APRIL for season two to come out wahhh!!! I wan't to see more of Fai!!!!

Hmm... so some are theorizing that this world was actually Clow at another time period? That's possible. Intriguing. If so, that would make it better.


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