CLAMP's Famous Works > Season 1
[TRC] Episode 26: The Last Wish
I watched the final episode!
And I only got this to say: the TRC guys are all so cool! :noteworthy:
Nice finale,and I agree with Kurogane-san'sakura's just too nice. :dodge:
Syaoran swore! "Stay the hell away from her1" :angry:
That's the first time time I hear him swear...maybe he's learning from Kurogane? :hehe:
To wait until April?! oh god... :sad5:
--- Quote from: Meowzy on November 18 2005, 02:00 am ---Hey, i just noticed something! When the gang leaves Outo/Edonis, Kurogane is still wearing his Outo clothes. (i forgot what it's called...)
when they arrive in that next country, however, Kurogane is wearing his normal ninja outfit. How does that work? In the manga, there's a point where Kurogane's clothes turn back to normal, but that's not in the anime.
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Maybe CLAMP forgot that detail ,then again the anime is a bit different from the manga
I finally watched..... I thought it was okay. It was good all the way up until the end... when Sakura's wish was to bring back all the dead people.... Didn't they say in the magna? Dead can never be brough back? It was nice, yes, but still, just just... impossible beyond impossible. If one single feather can bring back this many people, then how about when Sakura gets back all(well, with each feather mission protion of the memory.... memory of Syaoran :sad5: ) the feathers, would she be all powerful that can bring all the dead back to life? Come on, that's just too Mary-Sue powerful....
The very end was sad though... when Sakura wonders who planted all the flowers... and those flowers are now in ruin because the one that takes care of them isn't there anymore >_<
--- Quote from: Meineko on November 23 2005, 05:56 am ---Syaoran swore! "Stay the hell away from her1" :angry:
That's the first time time I hear him swear...maybe he's learning from Kurogane? :hehe:
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He didn't actually swear, he said "Hime niwa chikazukuna", which would actually mean more of "Don't you dare get close to the Princess". But hyaaan~~ he sounded so cool when he said that! I loved it! :hello2:
I love where Syaoran almost kisses Sakura about half way through the episode. Didi anyone else notice that or am I seeing things?
i'm still waiting for it to download...
i saw the preveiw though :hello2:
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