Hey! This is the very first AMV that I have made so please bare with me here.... It was suppose to be S&S only but I only have episode one at the time so I decided to just show all the characters by the end of the song... but S&S is shown all the way... you can think of Kurogane and Fai as just fillers for this one...
The song I used here is from another Anime actually it's called Alone from Gensomaden Saiyuki... I just love the song so much and the mood kinda matches up with the first episode of Tsubasa so I used it.... Anyway, I hope this link works and that you like it!!!
Right now Im in the middle of making my next AMV which is going to be full S&S (Now that I have episodes 1-25)...then maybe another which focuses on Kurogane and Fai (which is going to be unusual cause I don't really support Shounen ai,nothing against it ok? just uncomfortable with it!)....or something like that!

I'll post it up as soon as I find the time to make it (I'm in the process of sorting out the scenes)...School work is getting in my way!

In my computer the site kinda stops the video once in a while so please bare with me. If you have a better website for me to upload it on then I'll be glad to move the vidoe there! I also have it on my yahoo briefcase. I just don't know how to share it cause the link changes everyday... If you know how to let other people access the files from my the Yahoo briefcase then please tell me.... Thanks! that would be helpful since this is my first time sharing my video.....
Sorry for my rambling! Here's the Link: