General Discussions > Plug Board
another forum,wanna try?
Little Wolf:
Late reply.. I know. But I just saw this now so.. :tongue3:
Anyway, I don't have a problem about advertising other boards as long as it's not deliberately asking people to leave CWF and join <insert forum name here> instead. I've heard of DF before too. I think it used to be a really, really nice place too.
Anyway, that subject about me being a member because there's a "little wolf" who posted 2 times in the download area. Someone already PM'd me asking about that. Most of you know I have a really bad memory so I investigated and found out that "that" wasn't me. Anyway, I never posted requests for CCS downloads even before I had a CCS fansite.
Also, many of you said that DF looked very much like CWF (before it had the Xmas theme), the reason is we're using the forum program/software. Therefore, same themes, same look! :lol: But I'm glad we've made our look a bit more distinct now. Stay tuned for the new theme.. :wink:
And people, stop making posts like that will you? Yes, I'm talking about the posts before this one. Respect each other. :okay:
Hikari B.:
The Admin just bumped a forgetten thread. ^^;;;
Yeah, when I first met DB's Little Wolf, I almost thought that was you, LW... ^^;;;
nah.. they are different.. how they write..
i never thought that
i just said.. unoriginal somebody copied his name >_>
I thought it was you too! Little Wolf..then found out it was some perkyy syao fangirl -_-;;
haha :) just joined
im username is hack they didn't let me use < and ,
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