CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
KuroxFai- The Official Canon Gloating Thread
--- Quote from: Emiko on July 25 2006, 01:38 am ---Bwahahahaha, living vicariously through their relationship. I'd be all for setting up cameras, though a video camera might be more effective because they capture sound too. /perv. Maybe we can start small with the cameras and advance to video later. And share our spoils with our fellow KuroFai sisters. The noble Sisterhood of KuroFai.
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Definitely. Small cameras like the ones in pencils and stuff...then when we get smarter, we can use proper film equipment. And microphones. Etc. And, of course we'll share our spoils. It'd be a crime not to. We are devoted to the Sisterhood! We share all!! XD
...We are SUCH DORKS. Go us.
--- Quote from: Becster on July 25 2006, 01:42 am ---Definitely. Small cameras like the ones in pencils and stuff...then when we get smarter, we can use proper film equipment. And microphones. Etc. And, of course we'll share our spoils. It'd be a crime not to. We are devoted to the Sisterhood! We share all!! XD
...We are SUCH DORKS. Go us.
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Yes, it's unbelievable how much we suck right now, haha. If I really lived in this house, I'd never get my homework done. And hopefully when we share our findings with our fellow KxF sisters, they'd be happy enough to fund us so we can actually afford the best and stealthiest equiptment. We can set up a website and everything.
--- Quote from: Emiko on July 25 2006, 01:46 am ---Yes, it's unbelievable how much we suck right now, haha. If I really lived in this house, I'd never get my homework done. And hopefully when we share our findings with our fellow KxF sisters, they'd be happy enough to fund us so we can actually afford the best and stealthiest equiptment. We can set up a website and everything.
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Yup. We are currently both losing at life, and winning at it at the same time. Yay for defying logic!
Homework? What's homework? There's an excuse for the teacher: 'Sorry Sir/Ma'am, I couldn't get my homework done because I was far to busy filming my parents going at it for all their fangirls to enjoy.' That'd go down a treat. And I WOULD expected to get paid. Maybe we could sell the bad copies on Ebay. Then we can have a full fledged web page and our futures would be well provided for with all the money we'd be raking in!
--- Quote from: Becster on July 25 2006, 01:49 am ---Yup. We are currently both losing at life, and winning at it at the same time. Yay for defying logic!
Homework? What's homework? There's an excuse for the teacher: 'Sorry Sir/Ma'am, I couldn't get my homework done because I was far to busy filming my parents going at it for all their fangirls to enjoy.' That'd go down a treat. And I WOULD expected to get paid. Maybe we could sell the bad copies on Ebay. Then we can have a full fledged web page and our futures would be well provided for with all the money we'd be raking in!
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I'm sure any KuroFai fangirls reading this would be more than happy to shell out some cash for our efforts. Like, videos and photographs and we could put pictures on cups and T-shirts and mousepads and tacky touristy things like that. People would totally buy! Though some of the pictures would have to be PG, especially if we're going to iron them onto T-shirts. And that might he hard to do without the two of them finding out. We'd need a center-of-communications where we wouldn't be found out. Some other KuroFai fan needs to lend us the service of their basement.
--- Quote from: Emiko on July 25 2006, 01:54 am ---I'm sure any KuroFai fangirls reading this would be more than happy to shell out some cash for our efforts. Like, videos and photographs and we could put pictures on cups and T-shirts and mousepads and tacky touristy things like that. People would totally buy! Though some of the pictures would have to be PG, especially if we're going to iron them onto T-shirts. And that might he hard to do without the two of them finding out. We'd need a center-of-communications where we wouldn't be found out. Some other KuroFai fan needs to lend us the service of their basement.
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We could have our own shop!! And like...RULE THE WORLD. Or at least spread the KuroFai love to loadsa places. Touristy gifts get EVERYWHERE.
Okay, I think we've abused the strikethrough enough now XD
It's time for...Becster's fun fact of the day!:
My friend takes Japanese lessons and knows some stuff about the culture from her teacher. From what she knows she told me that although Kurogane is a ninja, his sword fighting style is something of a Bushido style as well. In olden Japan it was considered a weakness for Bushido to love and to take a woman - so they chose young men and boys instead of women as their partners. So...yeah. Fai's male. And (looks) young. And is pretty.
I'm assuming that even though he IS a ninja, if Kuro DID learn Bushido skills he'd have SOME respect for the culture's traditions...>=D
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