CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

KuroxFai- The Official Canon Gloating Thread

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--- Quote from: Becster on July 25 2006, 01:58 am ---We could have our own shop!! And like...RULE THE WORLD. Or at least spread the KuroFai love to loadsa places. Touristy gifts get EVERYWHERE.

Okay, I think we've abused the strikethrough enough now XD

It's time for...Becster's fun fact of the day!:

My friend takes Japanese lessons and knows some stuff about the culture from her teacher. From what she knows she told me that although Kurogane is a ninja, his sword fighting style is something of a Bushido style as well. In olden Japan it was considered a weakness for Bushido to love and to take a woman - so they chose young men and boys instead of women as their partners. So...yeah. Fai's male. And (looks) young. And is pretty.

I'm assuming that even though he IS a ninja, if Kuro DID learn Bushido skills he'd have SOME respect for the culture's traditions...>=D

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Yes, I agree. This could conceivably go on forever.

And that's awesome! Kuro seems to have absolutely 0 interest in women anyway. Even within their little group, Sakura's the one he talks to the least.

Yeah, I knew about that. Yet, I was still confused.

XD Wow....mornings are crazy....


--- Quote from: Emiko on July 25 2006, 02:02 am ---Yes, I agree. This could conceivably go on forever.

And that's awesome! Kuro seems to have absolutely 0 interest in women anyway. Even within their little group, Sakura's the one he talks to the least.

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That's definitely a point. He just...protects her. Doesn't really talk to her. (He likes her anyway. All parents love their children.)


--- Quote from: Becster on July 25 2006, 01:58 am ---We could have our own shop!! And like...RULE THE WORLD. Or at least spread the KuroFai love to loadsa places. Touristy gifts get EVERYWHERE.

Okay, I think we've abused the strikethrough enough now XD

It's time for...Becster's fun fact of the day!:

My friend takes Japanese lessons and knows some stuff about the culture from her teacher. From what she knows she told me that although Kurogane is a ninja, his sword fighting style is something of a Bushido style as well. In olden Japan it was considered a weakness for Bushido to love and to take a woman - so they chose young men and boys instead of women as their partners. So...yeah. Fai's male. And (looks) young. And is pretty.

I'm assuming that even though he IS a ninja, if Kuro DID learn Bushido skills he'd have SOME respect for the culture's traditions...>=D

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What about Kuro's dad? >=3


--- Quote from: Kana-chan on July 25 2006, 02:05 am ---What about Kuro's dad? >=3

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Well, in order for Kuro to be born I suppose he had to have a woman. But also he Show contentdied when Kuro was a teenager, so Kuro would've had to have learnt a different style, or had another trainer. If that's the case they may have utilised the Bushido style.


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