CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

KuroxFai- The Official Canon Gloating Thread

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But he still loved her. To me, it seemed ninja had to marry Mikos.


--- Quote from: Kana-chan on July 25 2006, 02:05 am ---What about Kuro's dad? >=3

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Maybe Kurogane's dad reproduces asexually and Kurogane was a budded from him :XD: No, I am kidding, honestly. No more crack for me.

But there was enough time for Kurogane to pick up different fighting styles between when he last trained with his father to when he was accepted as a ninja of the royal court. No matter how good you are, you can't just waltz in and be like "Yeah, I am awesome so I am not going to bother learning your rules or your techniques."


--- Quote from: Becster on July 25 2006, 01:58 am ---We could have our own shop!! And like...RULE THE WORLD. Or at least spread the KuroFai love to loadsa places. Touristy gifts get EVERYWHERE.

Okay, I think we've abused the strikethrough enough now XD

It's time for...Becster's fun fact of the day!:

My friend takes Japanese lessons and knows some stuff about the culture from her teacher. From what she knows she told me that although Kurogane is a ninja, his sword fighting style is something of a Bushido style as well. In olden Japan it was considered a weakness for Bushido to love and to take a woman - so they chose young men and boys instead of women as their partners. So...yeah. Fai's male. And (looks) young. And is pretty.

I'm assuming that even though he IS a ninja, if Kuro DID learn Bushido skills he'd have SOME respect for the culture's traditions...>=D

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Becster's that is the best fun fact of the day ^^ heeee

that prove that its CANON! ^^;;


--- Quote from: meliwan on July 25 2006, 02:15 am ---Maybe Kurogane's dad reproduces asexually and Kurogane was a budded from him :XD: No, I am kidding, honestly. No more crack for me.

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XD What?! He's a flower?! XD

Eh, but still I still doubt it. ahh...Why cant CLAMP release chapters earlier? even if its 2 days until the next chap. ^_^;


--- Quote from: Kana-chan on July 25 2006, 02:12 am ---But he still loved her. To me, it seemed ninja had to marry Mikos.

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I wasn't really making a point of whether or not Kuro's father loved his mother. It's clear he did. It doesn't necessarily mean that ninjas had to marry a miko. Besides, Miko's were virgins. On the occasion, a miko was made an exception because of a strong nature, but generally they were virgin miko's until they married. Considering the era Nihon seems to be set it, there was probably a LOT of ninjas. If a ninja had to marry a miko, wouldn't it mean there'd be a severe shortage on mikos? And wouldn't that defeat the object of having mikos? o_O

Just wondering.

And, yes Ashlee. My fun fact made ME smile as well XD


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