I had the sickest teacher last year. His name was Mr.Corbett. Or as everyone else called him "Harry Larry"
He wore shorts all year and never worse underwear. How do I know? He would put his leg up on the desk while he was teaching. [shiver] And he would scratch himself...err...there....[shiver] horrible, horrible teacher.He would always compare me to my cousin Jeff. He'd always say, "It's a shame you aren't like Jeff" yada yada. I just wanted to punch him in the face.
I remember one time, I was doodling on my paper and Corbett told me to get back to work and, even though I had already started working, Â I was like, "Ehhh....Hold on a second there, Corbett.." [We don't call teachers by Mr. Mrs. Ms. here, especially if they give us no respect in return.]
So he started yelling at me, "I'm tired of your attitude. Go to the office!" Â I started laughing, "Woah, woah, woah there, Corbs. You don't have a very good sarcasm detector there, now do you? Besides, I'm already working and I'm next to done this stupid pointless little mapping assignment. Why freak out?" Â I really don't know when to keep my mouth shut, haha. "I don't care whether you're working or not. And if you dislike the assignment so much, you can go spend the rest of your time in the office with Mr.Redlin."
Ooooh, he shouldn't have said that. See, I hate Redlin with a passion. He's the vice Principle at that school and he's the most evil person out there. I believe he's made it his life long goal to make me miserable. So, I kind of snapped. I kicked my desk over, caled Corbett a prick, stormed out of the classroom and slammed the door. I did go to the office and Redlin chewed me out, but I was so busy spazzing out, I didn't really care.
Haha, my punishment was that I wasn't allowed to go to the dance. Â .....uhhh.....wow. That doesn't really affect me cause I wasn't planning on going anyways. A stupid 45 minute dance with horrible music and innapropriately dressed preteens touching themselves or as they call it, "modern dancing". Err....not enjoyable. Or appropriate. Meh, not a big loss.
hehe, I love being angry. I feel so powerfull. [crazy]