AuthorTopic: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)  (Read 135591 times)

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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #340 on: May 02 2005, 12:48 pm »
Special with a capital 'R', lol

My science teacher in grade 7 got her certificate thingy during the year I was in her class. It freaked me out alot though ^^
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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #341 on: May 02 2005, 01:13 pm »
So teachers r so crazy and so well stupid! :tard:
My spanish teacher constantlly smiles all the time even when she yells she smiles.
Its so freaky ppl say shes on drugs or she is high. Same thing with my math teacher but she talks about her son to much and they say that she f*** the janitor. Well thats what  someone wrote on her clip board
( the janitor thing) ew so gross
*I want to be different , so when I look in the mirror I see someone wirth wild.-Mulan (the movie)

*What do you mean your not lucky !*grabs and throws cricket in the air, then points to horse* and what are you a sheep! - Mushu from Mulan

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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #342 on: May 02 2005, 01:16 pm »
I had the sickest teacher last year. His name was Mr.Corbett. Or as everyone else called him "Harry Larry"
He wore shorts all year and never worse underwear. How do I know? He would put his leg up on the desk while he was teaching. [shiver] And he would scratch himself...err...there....[shiver] horrible, horrible teacher.He would always compare me to my cousin Jeff. He'd always say, "It's a shame you aren't like Jeff" yada yada. I just wanted to punch him in the face.

I remember one time, I was doodling on my paper and Corbett told me to get back to work and, even though I had already started working,  I was like, "Ehhh....Hold on a second there, Corbett.." [We don't call teachers by Mr. Mrs. Ms. here, especially if they give us no respect in return.]
So he started yelling at me, "I'm tired of your attitude. Go to the office!"  I started laughing, "Woah, woah, woah there, Corbs. You don't have a very good sarcasm detector there, now do you? Besides, I'm already working and I'm next to done this stupid pointless little mapping assignment. Why freak out?"  I really don't know when to keep my mouth shut, haha. "I don't care whether you're working or not. And if you dislike the assignment so much, you can go spend the rest of your time in the office with Mr.Redlin."
Ooooh, he shouldn't have said that. See, I hate Redlin with a passion. He's the vice Principle at that school and he's the most evil person out there. I believe he's made it his life long goal to make me miserable. So, I kind of snapped. I kicked my desk over, caled Corbett a prick, stormed out of the classroom and slammed the door. I did go to the office and Redlin chewed me out, but I was so busy spazzing out, I didn't really care.
Haha, my punishment was that I wasn't allowed to go to the dance. That doesn't really affect me cause I wasn't planning on going anyways. A stupid 45 minute dance with horrible music and innapropriately dressed preteens touching themselves or as they call it, "modern dancing". Err....not enjoyable. Or appropriate. Meh, not a big loss.

hehe, I love being angry. I feel so powerfull. [crazy]
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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #343 on: May 02 2005, 01:17 pm »
OMG, bad rumor. LOL, but pretty funny

My janitor at my school is poor and his kid goes to our school and gets picked on, it's sad though. I bought him a present last year since he got me out of trouble ^^
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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #344 on: May 02 2005, 01:18 pm »
they say that she f*** the janitor. Well thats what  someone wrote on her clip board
( the janitor thing) ew so gross

haha my old vice principle was having an affair with our secratary. AND the art teacher/counselor. DISTURBING!
Geez, even when I used to go to church, our minister was doing it with the secratary.
What is with Secrataries these days???
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Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #345 on: May 02 2005, 01:21 pm »
My janitor at my school is poor and his kid goes to our school and gets picked on, it's sad though. I bought him a present last year since he got me out of trouble ^^

The hell? That's no reason to get picked on. My parents are janitors! [ahem] excuse me, CUSTODIANS, haha. People used to make fun of me about it, but since they knew I have anger issues, no one bugs me about it anymore.
I remember this one kid purposly spilled his drink on the floor and he starts laughing and says to me, "Hey, go get your parents mop and clean this up!" So I took my math text book and smacked him in the face.
His nose didn't bleed that much.  :confused:
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Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Offline fisah

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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #346 on: May 02 2005, 01:23 pm »
*punches boy who made Endoh mad*

I hate people who judge others, it pisses me off alot. I remember that there was this boy and he was in grade 7 and he was taller than me so he picked on me, I ******* squared him in the face, it was funny though since he went flying.

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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #347 on: May 02 2005, 01:32 pm »
I couldnt do that Endoh and fisha Im usually quiet but Im talking more my friends say. If anybody picks on me Ill think *what would Endoh and fisha do*? O yea do this and ill punch that person so hard. I have been pick on allot and other stuff( touch) that I didnt know what to do.When I told they didnt do anything about it.But I change schools ( for the best ) and ppl know me so I dont think they will pick on me.

Its cool that u guys can speak up and not be afraid to do whatever I couldnt do that. But that was before and this is now so lets see what happens.
*I want to be different , so when I look in the mirror I see someone wirth wild.-Mulan (the movie)

*What do you mean your not lucky !*grabs and throws cricket in the air, then points to horse* and what are you a sheep! - Mushu from Mulan

*I can be who I want, I don't have to listen to other people or what they say about me. Im happy for who I am. I will LIberate my Dreams and Follow my heart.

*Lean on my when your not strong, I'll be the friend who helps you carry on.

*Simple and Clean is the way that ur making me feel tonight,it's hard to let it go. - The song Simple and Clean by  Utada Hikaru

*Revenge is a dish best served cold- Kill Bill

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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #348 on: May 02 2005, 01:33 pm »
HELLS YES! Go Fisah!
Hha yeah, ever since I was picked on if Middle School and I was ...err...on the verge of becoming suicidal (2 years without cutting. Go me!) I just don't take crap from people anymore. Cause no one deserves to be treated that way. So now, if someone hurts me emotionally (or physically) I hurt them physically!

I'm not saying do that. Cause you shouldn't. But I just have serious anger problems. Whew, I got that from my daddy. But i got my concience  from my mommy. Cause after I do it, I feel bad...err...kinda.

Haha, apparently I was really scary on Thursday in PE. We were playing Badminton and my partner Fiona lost our serve so I tackled her! Haha, we were both laughing but her arm skidded across the floor so now it's sporting a lovely skidmark. Hehe, I feel bad but she thinks it's funny. But she now says she doesn't wanna be my partner for badminton anymore. Haha, understandable. I'm pretty competitive in badminton.
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Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Offline fisah

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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #349 on: May 02 2005, 01:35 pm »
If someone picks on you, you should defend your self cblossom. I remember I wasn't really like that, but I shaped up since I knew people would continue to take advantage of me if I didn't tell them off. I bet your a strong person cblossom.

Usually I'm quiet, but if someone pisses me off, it's another story~!, LOL
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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #350 on: May 02 2005, 01:42 pm »
Haha, I'm usually quiet too. But not shy quiet...eerie quiet. I always have a glare on my face. I've just had to glare so often it's just become my permanant relaxed face.
I hate how I've had almost all my teachers keep me in after class to ask me what's wrong. I've freaked out at some of them telling them to mind their own buisness and stop trying to become a counselor because teaching is still a job that they can barely do. They always tell me to smile, but how is  that possible when you're in the building of useless information and low self esteem?
Rest in peace my furry friend.
Cinnamon - November 15th, 1990 - January 21st, 2006
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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #351 on: May 02 2005, 01:47 pm »
hn..I'm usually always quiet, especially during class. People keep telling me to smile more and be more open. Psh, like I can be open when there's no reason to  :hmp:.

People say you live longer if you smile that true?

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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #352 on: May 02 2005, 01:51 pm »
If someone picks on you, you should defend your self cblossom. I remember I wasn't really like that, but I shaped up since I knew people would continue to take advantage of me if I didn't tell them off. I bet your a strong person cblossom.

Usually I'm quiet, but if someone pisses me off, it's another story~!, LOL

I do try sometimes I wish I had my moms yelling and swaring jeans  :cussing: (not pant jeans)
I do try to defend myself but Its hard for me I have almost always been picked on.
But I do remember this one time when we lived in these apartments I was about 8 or 7 at the time well me and me best friend that lived there were swinging on the swings then these two wannabe b***** come and start yelling and saying u two r gay . So I was like no way did she just do that so I fliped her off and her friend off and I cussed at her and pushed her to the ground then I glared at her friend and she ran off. I think I was around my mom to much because I hardly ever cussed like that before . After that I dont know what happen all of asudden I became quiet and shy maybe because I didnt have my friend that I grew up with to be by my side.
*I want to be different , so when I look in the mirror I see someone wirth wild.-Mulan (the movie)

*What do you mean your not lucky !*grabs and throws cricket in the air, then points to horse* and what are you a sheep! - Mushu from Mulan

*I can be who I want, I don't have to listen to other people or what they say about me. Im happy for who I am. I will LIberate my Dreams and Follow my heart.

*Lean on my when your not strong, I'll be the friend who helps you carry on.

*Simple and Clean is the way that ur making me feel tonight,it's hard to let it go. - The song Simple and Clean by  Utada Hikaru

*Revenge is a dish best served cold- Kill Bill

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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #353 on: May 02 2005, 01:53 pm »
hn..I'm usually always quiet, especially during class. People keep telling me to smile more and be more open. Psh, like I can be open when there's no reason to :hmp:.

People say you live longer if you smile that true?
I dont know I smile but I have never herad that saying before at all this is the first time I have heard it. :dontknow:
*I want to be different , so when I look in the mirror I see someone wirth wild.-Mulan (the movie)

*What do you mean your not lucky !*grabs and throws cricket in the air, then points to horse* and what are you a sheep! - Mushu from Mulan

*I can be who I want, I don't have to listen to other people or what they say about me. Im happy for who I am. I will LIberate my Dreams and Follow my heart.

*Lean on my when your not strong, I'll be the friend who helps you carry on.

*Simple and Clean is the way that ur making me feel tonight,it's hard to let it go. - The song Simple and Clean by  Utada Hikaru

*Revenge is a dish best served cold- Kill Bill

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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #354 on: May 03 2005, 10:24 am »
If someone picks on you, you should defend your self cblossom. I remember I wasn't really like that, but I shaped up since I knew people would continue to take advantage of me if I didn't tell them off. I bet your a strong person cblossom.

Usually I'm quiet, but if someone pisses me off, it's another story~!, LOL

Join the club. They say I'm an angel, always having a smile on my face. But if they try to hurt or anger my friends (especially my best bud), i'm the first one to enter the fight. If words that REALLY insult don't work, I use my books as my shield and my palm as my weapon. I really hate bullying.

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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #355 on: May 03 2005, 12:39 pm »
Me too, I'm so against it. I especially hate people who judge, and are racist. It just irks me to an extent, it actually frightens me.

I'm consider such a nice person as well, but I am, but I can be tough when I have too. If you let people walk all over you, you just make yourself look bad. I learned that from experience, and I don't let people take advantage of me, or anything.

Me proud of myself, just finished my social essay, 13 pages done! w00t. It is due tommorow, just finished it. Guess I'll be sleeping early as well. It feels good knowing the homework you have is long gone ^^
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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #356 on: May 03 2005, 02:06 pm »
i agree fisah.. i don't like people who just judge people and/ or who are racist..

i'm a nice quiet person.. i swear that my report cards from gr 1 to 5 the first comment was jacqueline is a really quiet girl.. LMAO!! haha and every one of my friends are like you're so nice some even said i am too nice.. haha

*claps for fisah on her 13 pg essay.. XD!! hehe.. i have a big science test tomorrow.. *sigh and i'm positive i'm going to fail it.. maybe because i didn't start studying yet.. HAHA!! well planning on cramming some things into me tomorrow morning.. better get a good night sleep then.. hehe

one more thing.. i may be nice but i punched some boy before and got into so much trouble.. HAHA!!!! and i know some tae-kwon-do.. HAHA!! I sort of want to learn again.. hehe.. and unlike endoh.. he started having a bleeding nose.. LMAO!!!
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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #357 on: May 04 2005, 04:43 am »
Oh wow. Did you break his nose?
Don't regret the things you have done in the past because without them, you wouldn't be the person you are today!

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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #358 on: May 04 2005, 08:34 am »
Lol, lika-chi *applause*

I know karate, I'm a brown belt. I don't really have time to do it lately though, to much homework to cram >_>

And I now have a trig test on thursday, life, you are to kind to me >.<
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Re: The Post Thread 2 (AKA the meaningless thread)
« Reply #359 on: May 04 2005, 10:00 am »
Wow. I can't believe I'm gonna have a quiz this Friday. =___= Bleh. The same week I have to work on my fanlisting AND my blog. Life can be so cruel sometimes. *sighs*

Good luck on your trig text, by the way.

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