General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's Your Job?

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Director of Music:
Im a middle school student.  Last year of middle school.......and then im a fishy (freshman)..I also grade my mom's students papers, help other teachers, band (yes i think of it as a job) etc


--- Quote from: Starfire on November 02 2005, 08:56 am ---Full time Highschool student.
I should be getting a job at the grocery store soonish
The lady that is supposed to train me just needs to call.

--- End quote ---
i m a full time high school student too! but i dont have a job yet...

Poor Seto...

Got a new job, I work at Sam Goody now. Yeah do I love it.

Miss Jenni-Maie:
My job is to mooch off my parents.
It's only part-time :tongue3:

I'm a student.


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