General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's Your Job?

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Still student.

Currently I study in Business Institute and high school (yes, both).

Oi, Sabrina, what was my line called in English? You got it written up somewhere, right?

I'm a student... But on weekends I work at movie theater and I'm slave of the concession stand. I'm also a projectionist though, so I get to start the movies and make sure they run without any problems.


--- Quote from: Meza on December 13 2005, 02:37 am ---Still student.

Currently I study in Business Institute and high school (yes, both).

Oi, Sabrina, what was my line called in English? You got it written up somewhere, right?

--- End quote ---
It was like this:
Vocational Qualification in Business an Administration (Merkonomi)


--- Quote from: Sabrina on December 16 2005, 03:57 am ---It was like this:
Vocational Qualification in Business an Administration (Merkonomi)

--- End quote ---
Thankies. This time I'll write it on to my forehead so I can remember it. xD

i have 2 jobs, in the morning i´m teacher, i give the Multimedia assignature, and in the afternoon i work designing websites


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