General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's Your Job?

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I'm a middle school student, but I baby-sit after school and weekends every now and then.


--- Quote from: Arcademan/PixieP on November 02 2005, 12:59 pm ---I work in a family fun center. I do the repairs on video games and take care of inventory and prizes. Been in the arcade business for almost 25 years.

Now you know why I call myself ARCADEMAN!!![/i] :tongue:

--- End quote ---

As for myself, I am a lightning elemental faerie. My only job in life is to keep the darkness within Arcademan in check lest he destroy everything around him Tee!Hee!Hee!!! :D

jobss.. yeah going to school and studying alot

Well I can't say I've ever had a job.

I just go to school and study lots! ^^

I plan on getting one soon though.

Wolf Blossom:
I work in Tim Hortons and i'm a student ^_^


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