General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's Your Job?

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Starting this coming Monday I'll be shelving books at my local library.  Something I'm very good at, since I've been doing it as volunteer work at the library my mom works at since I was ten years old. :D

don't have a job

I'm a full time student. But I also have a job at a shoe store in a abby store so....

I work with children and their feet...

My life sucks. And my boss is a *****.

i take care of children in a school!
i have to keep them occupied with activities,to help handicaped child,and to do some paper work for the mistresses.
and during holidays i'm doing the cleaning in schools and buildings,this is exhausted but i will do anything for money  :haha:

I don't like children that much but I'm the same, I'll do anything for money.

:-/ Within reason.


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