General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's Your Job?

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on fridays i'm a trainee Stonemason. Working outside with Hammers and Chisels and Guns. I have to use them on removing cement from inbetween stone and its a real hassle. Pretty hard work too, builds good upper body strength.
I work from 8:30 till 5

i'm just a student.

My work is attention to the clients in a bank, like customer service.  I do loans, open accounts, credit cards, attent complains, etc, etc.   I don't know how you call in english a person that do this job.  But in spanish is Oficinista de Atencion al cliente.

I work in the bank in the day and in the night I go to the University.  I'm in my last year *cheers*.


--- Quote from: *Keru* on November 03 2005, 09:00 pm ---My work is attention to the clients in a bank, like customer service.  I do loans, open accounts, credit cards, attent complains, etc, etc.   I don't know how you call in english a person that do this job.  But in spanish is Oficinista de Atencion al cliente.

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We call them bank tellers.

Study !!!


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