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What's Your Job?

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--- Quote from: Airashii on August 16 2006, 07:50 am ---My job? Doing my stinking homework...but I want to get a real job this next summer.

--- End quote --- too...still unemployed...


--- Quote from: chibi_seishiraon77 on August 17 2006, 03:42 am too...still unemployed...

--- End quote ---

i don't know what is your chômage rate in your country,but in France it reach 9% of the population,it's a true curse and the highest level in europe,we are really not proud about this  :dodge:

I'm un-employed now, but only because I'm going to school and my first semester of college my parents forbid me to work. This is the first time in three years and I honestly don't know what to do with my time except watch anime and read manga...
Anyway, since this is about jobs.
I worked at GameStop for three years. now, before a few of you say "Awesome!" or soemthing like that, it isn't really what its all craked up to be, like with most jobs, it all depends on your boss. I had an awesome boss and we DID get to play a ton of video games when no one was in the store...The pay was crap though, mimimum, and it was VERY REPETITIVE. The only skill you need is how to sell things and alphabetize. You spend 70% of your job doing the latter. Selling stuff was fun though and it kind of just became routine.
I'm shorry, this is relaly pointless to just keep tlaking about but I'm bored, and I've never tlaked in a forum befoe so I'm just gonna keep going.
then I worked at a privately owned high-end italion restaurant as a hostess which was relaly fun. Half of the people who worked there was gay, too, so it was always a very happy place. I only worked there for a year thoguh.
The best job of all time I'm still trying to get over. *sigh* It was only two months,b ut it was the best tow months of my life. I worked at Six Flags Fiesta Texas theme Park as a Looney Toon character. It was almost like cosplaying for a job...almost..*tears* It was really fun cause you could pretty much do whatever you wanted, within the bounds of appropriatenss to anyone. My favorite was Taz, but it was usually aobut 16-17 degrees hotter in costume then it was outside so, being in Texas, at times it could have been 117 degrees inside. It was soo much fun though. I got to be Tweety, Porky Pig, Taz, Slyvester, Foghorn Leghorn, Elmer Fudd, Speedy Gonzalez, and Daffy Duck. I almost passed out in Speedy, I started like hyperventilating and stuff, but it was on our way back in so thank goodness. Anyway, it was a good paying job and you only worked half the time (30 minute breaks every hour). I reccommend it to ANYONE who can stand the heat and who can deal with little kids.
Okay...I'm that you know my job history...

it seems so easy for you to have a job  :keke:!
in france it is so hard to find a stable situation,our factories are leaving in others countries for money,so many employees are sacked,this is so unfair  :angry:

Unemployed right now...but I might get a job cleaning a house. (XD yesh, it is a job...) which means i might get sick more often now...-sniffles- T-T


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