General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's Your Job?

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--- Quote from: Kana-chan on August 21 2006, 01:44 am ---Unemployed right now...but I might get a job cleaning a house. (XD yesh, it is a job...) which means i might get sick more often now...-sniffles- T-T

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if it can comforts you i have been doing cleaning on schools and municipals buildings during july and august,it's not really a delightful job but a least there is always work to do in this kind of channel  :keke:

Not particularly working anywhere, but is student counted as 'job' ?? :tongue:

Star Wings:

--- Quote from: Renaya on September 14 2006, 10:46 pm ---Not particularly working anywhere, but is student counted as 'job' ?? :tongue:

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I think it is and same here with me.  I'm not particularly working anywhere either. Concentrating on my 7th grade work is enough for me at the moment and I really got to boost up my grades in Thai since my grade is not so good in that area at the moment. ^_^


--- Quote from: cute_me on November 02 2005, 01:19 pm ---i'm just a student.

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Me too

western Sizzlin Block girl lol I take your order wrap up forks and what not and give you your drink >.> but I'm all so a student in 10th grade lol


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