General Discussions > The "What" Board

What's Your Job?

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I work at McDonalds (never and i mean NEVER get a job there you will regret it >.<) and i do basically everything the others don't want to do or are too scared too do (what's so scary about little kids puke? o.O)

Miss Jenni-Maie:

--- Quote from: Kuro-puppy on August 03 2007, 11:03 pm ---I work at McDonalds (never and i mean NEVER get a job there you will regret it >.<) and i do basically everything the others don't want to do or are too scared too do (what's so scary about little kids puke? o.O)

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Haha, that's like me at Dairy Queen. I'm left doing all the work that no one else will do. Doesn't it bug the crap out of you?!
I'm tired of being the only one cleaning/stocking/serving while everyone else is in the back, stealing food and flirting with the cooks. Grrrr...


--- Quote from: Miss Jenni-Maie on August 04 2007, 11:07 am ---Haha, that's like me at Dairy Queen. I'm left doing all the work that no one else will do. Doesn't it bug the crap out of you?!
I'm tired of being the only one cleaning/stocking/serving while everyone else is in the back, stealing food and flirting with the cooks. Grrrr...

--- End quote ---

we both have annoying jobs it seems XD

Yesterday i had to clean up the terrace and everybody else was just slacking off >.<

No Job

Poor me :P


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