I'm not sure if this is allowed here... But i'll post it anyway. If it is against rules, feel free to delete the topic! ^_^

And he's darn proud of it!

Heheh... Kuro-koi...

This one looks a bit funky... ohwell.
For those of you who have watched 'Hey Arnold!', Fai looks remotely like Brainey in this pic...

A trademark Kurogane quote.

He's jealous! Aint that adorable?

Speaks for itself doesn't it?

What it is Kurogane ordered him to do... well, heheh... I'll leave that to your imagination.

*hums the gaybar song*

Third topic i've posted this one in, but it's still cute.

Sooo, what do you think? They would be icon material if i knew how to make them. ^^'