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Doujinshi sites
Hikari B.:
I've been there! Cache-Cache is so kawaii!! ^___^ :inlove:
I know...when I read it, I was like "OMG"! so Kawaii!
Hikari B.:
I'm still hoping they'll transalating Angel. I can't wait to read that! XD
Zettai daijoubu:
oh mianz.. i've been looking for doujinshi!!!! thanx for these sites!!! =)
but here's another one you missed which i posted elsewhere.. this is one that you can dl!!!
it would be cool if fans scanlate these doujinshies and then post them wouldn't it? no it would be dreamy... *drools* i just go kawaii whenever i read doujinshies.
anyways in my long search i've found these sites that have doujinshi pics:
i knew a site that hosted one ccs doujinshi thats not very known but i can't find the link and i don't know if the site if offline since i found it so long ago i'll try to find it though. :keke:
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