CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

DVD English Subtitles

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--- Quote from: kinomotofan on November 04 2005, 02:33 pm ---Wow, I didn't know that. I thought it would be an official DVD release because the site seem soo legitimate, Paypal and credit card accredited and all. Thank you for letting us know before I actually bought it! :wink: Do you suppose an official English subtitled DVD will come out? And if it does where do you buy it?  I would like to support the makers of this Anime but it seem harder than I thought it would be. :)

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So far there have been no plans or any inkling that I can tell that anyone is going to license Tsubasa.  I do know that Loveless was just announced.  I hope that they don't license Tsubasa for a while though.  If they did...then it would become really hard to find fansubs.  Especially seeing as how Live Evil AND Dattebayo both have trackers on  (which doesn't like it when you have torrents of series that have been licensed).

But that's all I know off of the top of my head.  If you want to keep up with what has been licensed...a good place to try would be The Anime News Network.

I think it maybe best to be patient and wait if there are any plans to release an official copy of Tsubasa with English subtitles because bootlegs are very poor in terms of quality of picture and sound and also subtitles. It may take a very long time, but you may find its worth the wait. (thats if they do release it)

Cardcaptor Takato:

--- Quote from: kinomotofan on November 04 2005, 02:33 pm ---Wow, I didn't know that. I thought it would be an official DVD release because the site seem soo legitimate, Paypal and credit card accredited and all. Thank you for letting us know before I actually bought it! :wink: Do you suppose an official English subtitled DVD will come out? And if it does where do you buy it?  I would like to support the makers of this Anime but it seem harder than I thought it would be. :)

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I don't know if there will be an offiical release for certain, but I think there's a very strong possibility it will.  This is Clamp, after all, who are very popular among anime fans here in the U.S., especially with their characters, Sakura and Shaoran.  It'd be stupid for them to not license Tsubasa.  My guess is that they'll probably release the official DVDs when most of the series has been aired in Japan, since that seems to be the current trend among anime companies nowadays.  I'm just hoping that they wait until after the series is finished being fansubbed to license it, so that we won't have to wait two or three years for the official DVDs to catch up where the fansubs left off.  That would be so annoying if they did that.  As to where you can buy them when they do come out, any online stores that sell anime like, or will definetlly be carrying them.  All you can do is keep checking sites like or these forums to see if the Tsubasa anime has been licensed yet.

As my bud Cardcaptor Takato said, keep checking those sites on any news about if and when an official DVD version will be released and by whom.

I had all of the TRC episodes burned from BT to DVD...great quality so now I can watch them on my big TV instead of my small cpu monitor. There's a number of sellers on eBay on these DVD-Rs of the series. If you want to take your chance there, remember to ask the seller lots of questions and hope you know what you're doing. I'd hate to see someone waste money on a poor quality burn of a BT with lousy sub-titles :)

Thank you for the help, everyone!  :wave: I sure learned a whole lot.  :D I guess we just have to wait for the original DVDs.  :D


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