Well I woulda thought the members would know better than that anyway (or at least I would hope so
That's what I would've thought as well. Oh well, new topic!
I'm currently finishing up my homework, and guess what, I had all semester to do it! I am such a hopeless procrastinator. Here's a little tip for you all, and I have the ground news, ALL teachers were once procrastinators. Every single da** one of them. I know this for a fact because I have 3 education classes this semester and all the students in there procrastinate.
Here's something funny . I feel as if I'm reliving CCS episode 19: Sakura and the Summer Vacation Homework. I went to the library to get a book to take out for a report I had to do, and 1 copy was gone, and the other one was on the shelf. I went to the shelf to get the book and it's not there! I keep thinking that the move card is gonna show up and taunt me to get my book for waiting until the last minute.
On to the subject. How many members on here procrastinate?!
*moezy-chan raises her hand*