Whenever I give speeches, I remove my glasses. That way, everything pretty much is blurred. I don't see anyone, plus it looks like abstract art!
We had this speech contest in my old elementary school. There was a finalist who's speech was on how to give a speech. He was like "A tip is to take off glasses if you were them, like I'm doing right now." lolz. I would do that but I wear contacts! lolz.
I have no idea what it looks like from someone who has to wear glasses but I've always found it curious...
Try finding a piece of clear paper, like an overhead sheet and then it's usually very dirty with fingerprints and other stuff. Go and get it more messy and then look through it. It's something similar to what I see when I don't have my contacts or glasses on.
Just like my ears. I can hear sounds, like a car coming up the driveway, and people yelling, but I can't seem to distinguish words very well. I'm constantly asking people to repeat things anymore. I can only hear them very well if they are next to me, and speaking loudly.
SAME! I can't hear very well. People say I'm deaf and I'm like yea, I think I am. Too much music for me. -__-" lolz. xD
Well today has been a very
loud day at school. xD lolz. People were so noisy during lunch time. xD Because X-Box came to our school!
People got to play with X-box and of course the new one. X-box 360! But you had to pay. So yea. lolz. It was really noisy and a lot of people were playing and watching. O__O haha!
And today was a pretty good day. I was really happy and hyper during lunch time. ^__^ Today was a nice day. XD