*gasps* there are rules about one sentence posts!? well it's been so long that's all you really see around here nowadays.
Hm... you sure? I would of thought she would of at least told me she was leaving o.o
NO, Blues says NO.
why he's saying that he doesn't know.. maybe he is also too lazy to think of a reason why...
AHHH!!! Vex you're SOOO MEAN!! T___T And YES there were rulse on one sentence posts, weren't there?!?! O__O I swear there were some. I remember I posted a bunch of one sentences post and then I got in trouble!
Wow! *read whole page* WOW! All the posts are one sentence posts! *faints* What's happening here?? Is there nothing to say another to people on the forum? Or are people just getting lazy to type?!?! HAHA! tsk tsk everyone. If it's just one sentence, no offense, but just add people on MSN and you can type as little as you want, right? ^___^ *is mobbed by a bunch of people*