General Discussions > The "What" Board

What do you like to do on the Internet?

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Cardcaptor Takato:
Wai!  It's my first thread I've posted in the What board!  What do you like to do when you're on the Internet?  I like to post at message boards, email, chat on Instant Messengers and in chat rooms, download lots of movies, TV shows, AMVs, anime, and music, read up about the latest anime news or anything else I like, and sometimes when I'm in the mood I'll read fanfics, and that's about it.

I read fanfics, post on here, download amv's, anime episodes, and mp3's. Also I research data for homework assignments.

I like to download AMV's too and anime pictures, and lots of it ^_^.

Ruby Chan:
Are you guys ready? I.....

Download amvs
Download MP3s
Download japanese dramas/anime
Research for homework
Look for graphics templates
Find anime pictures
Read fanfiction
Download scanlations
Find out about new anime/manga

......And come on the forums!

As this appears to be a list thread, please don't post more than once here........there are exceptions to the rule, but I won't say for now, and I'll just see what people post. I'll be watching though!   :wink:

- Post in this fourm
- Read fanfictions
- Write in my livejournal ( or just look around in livejournal at my friends journals )
- Listen to music
- Play pokemon roms
- Chat with people on MSN


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