General Discussions > The "What" Board

What do you like to do on the Internet?

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-download manga/anime/mp3
-lurk around on devart and livejournal
-posting here on CW of course  :keke:
-read/write fanfiction
-lurking around for any new Tsubasa things

I think that's all.

EDIT: adding Maplestory to my list  :keke:

You guys like to do a lot of things on the internet  :sweatdrop:

~download music/ mp3s/ AMV
~finding and making pictures into avvies/ siggys
~posting here on the fourms X3
~write my own little stories
~brainstorm ideas for my next post on my Kagura Diary

Thats it for now..If I think of anything else, I'll post it XD

Miss Jenni-Maie:
MSN, Email,. this forum, fanfics, getting all my anime needs, and listening to music.
Yup. I'm like everyone else :tongue3:

Lemme' see

-Post here
-look for downloads
-Research for school projects
-look for wacky, weird and fun websites

yup...that's all.

I like to

-post here (of course)
-post in my other forums (two exactly)
-find new sites and new friends
-chat with icq
and download all the stuff I can find!!! ^___^


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