General Discussions > The "What" Board

What do you like to do on the Internet?

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* emina *:
logging into here and at DF

and also i like looking for CCS music videos and looking for saiyuki pics!!
GOKU rocks my world!!*goes on krazy mode*

download mp3s
look for lyrics
post on this forum (which I truly like!)
look for Images (mainly kuroxfai!!!)

*MSN Messenger is ON all the time, my pals~ <3

* Forums. Omigosh I'm such a forum addict! This, and many more are my daily places of visiting. And I visit some of them over 5 times a day.  I have been here for 10 hours already.. since monday. Spooky.

*Uh.. surf. I mostly browse sites of my friends, art sites, and online shops, online auctions, and random stuff.

*Music download (aaw, I'm evil)


--- Quote from: Ruby Chan on November 08 2005, 03:46 am ---As this appears to be a list thread, please don't post more than once here........there are exceptions to the rule, but I won't say for now, and I'll just see what people post. I'll be watching though!   :wink:

--- End quote ---

This is my second post on this thread. I AM the exception to all rules!!!

Mostly conduct business and moderate several forums and groups on the internet. I'll list more later on :)

- Chatting on all 4 of the forums I frequently go to (lol)
- Surf the net for something interesting
- Read fanfics
- Make websites (Or change my site layouts once in a while...)
- Chat on AIM, MSN & Yahoo
- Downloading music
- Downloading anime/manga
- Check my emails
- Write fanfics


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