General Discussions > The "What" Board

What do you like to do on the Internet?

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posting here
downloading anime
listening mp3 songs

Sarah Jane:
First thing I do... is go on MSN.
Go on Myspace.
Post on forums for a while.
Check my e-mail.
Go on for 'Just-in' Cardcaptor Sakura stories.
Chat for a while in between.
Play Maple Story.

- go to this forum

- go to harry potter websites (have no idea why i do that... even though i've lost interest in those sites)

- check out my "friends" list on my LJ

- go on msn

- finish off any fanlistings i'm meant to make/ update my websites

Sayora Chan:
I try to spend time places like here.  I also play online RPGs.

-download manga/anime/movies/game emulators/games/mp3...  :keke:
-im-ing with friends...
-posting here on CW forums....
-reading online manga....
-search for CCS, TRC, FMA, FMwS picures....
-posting up art and fan-art ....Show content and hopefully soon, manga...  :keke:-look for any new Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle things.....
-look at anime/manga/OVA episodes of Full Metal Alchemist...
-learning Japanese....
-look for lyrics....
-check my email....
-play MapleStory.....

...And probably more stuff I just run across...  :sweatdrop:


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