General Discussions > The "What" Board

What do you like to do on the Internet?

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- Post in this fourm
- Read fanfictions
- Chat with people on MSN
- Post in other forums (sometimes)
- Browsing my favourites list


--- Quote from: Ruby Chan on November 08 2005, 03:46 am ---As this appears to be a list thread, please don't post more than once here........there are exceptions to the rule, but I won't say for now, and I'll just see what people post. I'll be watching though!   :wink:

--- End quote ---

What if we change our minds or add something later on?!!

Since I posted here, I can't post anymore so I won't list what I do.

forums ^_^
blog places

I like to look up information on my fav. anime, look up lyrics, and watch music videos/T.V. shows.

look for anime pictures
download anime episodes
download anime AMV


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