Fruits Basket <3! I love Hiro x Kisa, too cute, it reminds me so much of Sakura x Syaoran though....maybe that's why I like it so much

I'm an odd ball who loves Shigure x Ayame, oh and Hatori x Ayame is good too ^^, and so far in teh manga
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Akito x Shigure is pretty much dead on canon
As for Kyo x Tohru x Yuki...I think an indepth analysis is at call
SPOILERS GALOREYuki x TohruI loved this pairing, and I think, I still do. Yuki's not-so-subtle advances and Tohru's kindness and naive personality make this pairing real cute. The atmosphere is calm and reserved when there together. They do simple things together, like working in Yuki's garden, or going shopping, or even studying together, and it was just an adorable relationship. However, I can't help but admit that Yuki must have always viewed Tohru as a mother figure. Lets start off in the very beginning: Yuki is the prince of Fruits Basket, he his handsome, smart, athelitic, strong, in a sense perfect. He's idolized by both men and woman alike, people pratically love him, and I guess, Yuki was getting sick of it. Now, Tohru never really worships him does she? She cooks for him, cleans for him, gives him advice. She treats him as
Yuki not the
Prince, and that must've been a breath of fresh air. Now, maybe at first Yuki fell in love with that trait, but I think he realized that their relationship was 'give and not recieve', he even says so himself. Tohru gives and gives, and to him, he thinks he has done nothing for her. In essence, this is very
motherly. He says so himself that he saw Tohru as a woman when she hugged Kyo when he turned into his true form. AS sad as it is, I dont think Yuki ever needed love from a woman, but rather a motherly figure that he always wanted. He gets enough love and admiration at school, and frankly, I think he's sick of it. Yuki x Tohru was always a very 'mother-son' relationship, and I guess, people failed to see that. I am dissapointed with how Yuki/Tohru has turned out, but I'm willing to be open-minded.
Kyo x TohruI'm starting to really love this pairing, maybe because Kyo is just so amazing? Either way, this pairing is getting exceptionalÂ

First off, the first thing I noticed in this pairing is how much Tohru loves the cat. That, right off the bat, spelled 'potential'. Now, Kyo is a very cold and distant person, who is rash and vile to some. His only dream is to defeat the mouse and be accepted in the Souma family. However, he becomes much more kind when Tohru beomes his friend, and to me, Kyo always viewed Tohru as a woman. He also admits he loves her. Reading the latest volumes, Tohru promised that she would keep her mother formost in her heart, however, she cant help but have feelings for Kyo. What feelings she is speaking about? I have no clue, but the fact that she fears her mother's replacement says something, and that is her feelings are strong for Kyo. Another example is how she didn't run away when Kyo turned to his true self, or how she didn't despise him. I think, her bravery, and compassion, and her feelings for Kyo made him a better person. She is kind to him like anyone else, but he treasures her kindness, and he helps her out alot as well. He encourages her to stick up for herself, and he looks after her. Another thing, that isn't really fact, but just an opinion, is how they were both outsiders. Tohru, in the game of
Fruits Basket was chosed as a rice ball, and she was teased for it, and she knew, in the game, no one would say "Riceball", Kyo has the same problem too, acceptness, he wants to be accepted in the Souma family. I think they can both support each other, and knowing they have the same problem, makes them more right, I think. I do hope I'm not being extermely biased in this, since I love Kyo x Tohru and Yuki x Tohru, however, I see more 'reaction' from Tohru when Kyo does something kind/compassionate. I also noticed how they both 'go out' now, and the talk Momiji
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a exceptionally older looking MOMIJI *gasp
and Kyo shared just intesfies my belif that they will most likely end up together.
Now, to those who say: How about Yuki? Well...
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Yuki and this girl named Machi are becoming extermely close, in fact, I heard they are really close to kissing, but Machi's phone goes off, though it hasn't been confirmed.
Yuki x KyoI've always loved this pairing, in fact, its one of my favoruites, but the mangaka hs been making the idea more farfetched.*cringes* Either way, there fights are really cute, and Tohru's little scenario made my day when I read/watched that ~!
Yuki x Tohru x KyoI think, I'd rather them be together, than be split up
though, Kyo x Yuki is an exception 
. I dont want to see the other one hurt since I'm really fond of them, and I'd rather them be friends foreverÂ