Trust me...after more volumes, the fighting reduces to nothing. Fact is, annoyance is probably the only thing they feel to each other.
If you watched the anime
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Yuki helps Kyo so all that resentment and hate is sorta reduced. They see no purpose in fighting, at least Yuki doesn't, and Kyo just tries to ignore everything. Him turning into that monster shed some light I guess
I miss em too, they were hilarious

As for Momiji and Tohru hooking up
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Momiji has a little bit of a crush on her, more serious then the admiration he had for her in teh beginning. And him and Kyo talk and he 'teasingly' says that if Kyo doesn't get her fast, he will take her away. Reason why I say 'teasingly' is teh fact that he sounded serious about it. Personally, if Kyo doesn't get Tohru, Momiji deserves it. He had a hard life
Momiji reminds me of Fai so much, with the fake smiles and jokes. He had such a rough past, its rather saddending *hugs momiji plushie*