CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Drama CD and Character songs!
--- Quote from: selenityshiroi on September 14 2006, 06:45 am ---And some people still think that Fay is straight...
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Haha, I know. There is no way.
Sailor Yue-chan:
oh no. fai's straight alright. as a rainbow XP
also, look closely...kuro's looking at himself in a hand mirror...he's wearing a cap just like fai is. :D he's got thatscowl o.... (he';s either looking at himself, or sneaking a backward glance thru the mirror at fai's butt : :XD: )
Haha, I just pointed out the same thing in the KuroFai we know what Fai is laughing at!
And, why do I think Fai looks more manly than ever before in that pic? Am I insane? :tard:
Edit: Yay, 200th post! :occasion18:
so...when the drama CD will be out..? I really want it :haha: !
--- Quote from: Kuro-puppy on July 23 2006, 08:54 pm ---with some help from forumembers and a whole lot of uploading it's finally done ^_^
all the TRC songs that have been released until now can be downloaded here:
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the link is not working for me... =(
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