CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Drama CD and Character songs!

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anyone have all the translation??im sorry,im too lazy to check the previous pages...
im also in hurry coz tomorrow i have school!!
so,please...if anyone have,2 cookies!! ^o^

I didn't know that there were Drama CDs and Character Songs!!!

Where can I download all the ones that have been released?


--- Quote from: Chibi on November 20 2006, 10:18 am ---I didn't know that there were Drama CDs and Character Songs!!!

Where can I download all the ones that have been released?

--- End quote ---

remember that is Kuro_puppy-sama's site :wink:


--- Quote from: tsubasaHime199 on November 20 2006, 11:18 am ---

remember that is Kuro_puppy-sama's site :wink:

--- End quote ---

and if you're having trouble downloading the music, just leave the site, come back and try host for the songs can be a bit weird at times >.<

How was the Kurogane song? XD;


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