CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Drama CD and Character songs!

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Miescha Clayre:
Guys! does any of you have the 2nd xxxholic/tsubasa drama??? i just found out today that there was a second drama CD!!! I will be eternally grateful to anyone who can post it up for me (I can't give out cookies yet :cry:) ... I'm not that worried about the translation since I have some japanese friends :tongue3:!!!


--- Quote from: Miescha Clayre on February 16 2007, 11:13 am ---Guys! does any of you have the 2nd xxxholic/tsubasa drama??? i just found out today that there was a second drama CD!!! I will be eternally grateful to anyone who can post it up for me (I can't give out cookies yet :cry:) ... I'm not that worried about the translation since I have some japanese friends :tongue3:!!!

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a friend gave me this link awhile ago:

Horitsuba Gakuen 2

Miescha Clayre:

--- Quote from: Kuro-puppy on February 16 2007, 03:13 pm ---a friend gave me this link awhile ago:

Horitsuba Gakuen 2

--- End quote ---

Thanks! but um.... the file isn't there anymore... PLEASE anyone!!! I would really love it if I can have it... I WOULD buy it myself but I don't have any credit card(my parent's are off limits) and my Japanese friend isn't going back to Japan until summer and that still a long way to go....


--- Quote from: Miescha Clayre on February 17 2007, 07:27 am ---Thanks! but um.... the file isn't there anymore... PLEASE anyone!!! I would really love it if I can have it... I WOULD buy it myself but I don't have any credit card(my parent's are off limits) and my Japanese friend isn't going back to Japan until summer and that still a long way to go....

--- End quote ---

oops! my bad

here's another upload:

Miescha Clayre:
thanks for that Kuro-puppy! I know it's been months since you posted that.... Does anyone have the translation for the script???


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