CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Drama CD and Character songs!

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--- Quote from: Miescha Clayre on July 22 2007, 09:31 am ---thanks for that Kuro-puppy! I know it's been months since you posted that.... Does anyone have the translation for the script???

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Is this what you're looking for....?

Miescha Clayre:
WAI! thank you very much! I was searching the net all over for that!!!

wahh...can anyone please upload the translations to the first three albums? please~~~~
im like so confused right now!!!


--- Quote from: Mari on July 24 2007, 05:40 am ---Is this what you're looking for....?

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do you have the translations to the first three albums? O___O
please upload them~


--- Quote from: Mina on April 02 2006, 08:51 am ---SAT's are done~~! But I know I didn't do well, so retaking in June...*sigh*

But! I got positive news... it's not the best translation, probably, but I translated the first part of the CD3~ Where the sad part is...*sniff*

I hope my translations make sense.... please enjoy~  :keke:

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do you still have them? :O


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