CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

Drama CD and Character songs!

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oy lad! easy with the posting, you can do that in one post. no need to make 3 posts in a row

Miescha Clayre:
Oh yeah! According to chibiyuuto (who I've found out is a he not a she so I'm sending out m apologies since I've been refering to him as a girl) the script for the 3rd Horitsuba gakuen drama CD is done. I don't think the date for it's release has been announced yet though...

im really really like freakin out right now does anyone have the translations to the album? :3

Miescha Clayre:
There are translations of parts of the Drama CD but as far as I know no one made a translation of all three on this thread... I'm afraid you would have to rely on the summary that was given here...

alrighty then, thank you anyways....


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