AuthorTopic: [Yugioh] When Seto Kaiba Gets bored  (Read 11046 times)

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[Yugioh] When Seto Kaiba Gets bored
« on: November 16 2005, 08:37 am »
Well, when you guys imagine Seto Kaiba, what do you see him doing?...Working...right?  Right.  Well, Seto has his days when he gets reallly bored.  Would you like to see the Bored Mr.Seto Kaiba?  Well then, read on!

(Beh, I had to beg Seto to let me do this XD  it had to be...approved by the ALL MIGHTY SETO KAIBA =D  Plus he said it would show the 'soft side' of him XD Love ya)

Seto: -.-" Just so you know, I'll be adding on here once in a while

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Re: [Yugioh] When Seto Kaiba Gets bored
« Reply #1 on: November 16 2005, 08:40 am »
Chapter 1
Seto leaned back in his recliner and stared up at the ceiling.  It had been a long day, and it had never bothered him before.  And yet today was....different.  He was actually getting tired, and everything looked like he was in a dream.  He sighed, and logged off on his computer.  He'd go home early today for a change, and, tomorrow was Sunday, and he'd get to stay home.  Besides, Tiffany was at home.

Seto unlocked the front door, and yawned as he entered the manor.  "Tiff?"  he yelled.  No answer.  He awkwardly glanced in her room.  No one was there.  Seto thought for a moment, and figured she'd be back in a little while.  He went to the humongous living room, and sat down on the leather sofa, turning on the T.V as he did so.  He got so drowsy flicking through the channels, so he layed down, and for once in his career, took a nap.

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Re: [Yugioh] When Seto Kaiba Gets bored (Complete)
« Reply #2 on: November 18 2005, 10:16 am »
Chapter 2
Tiffany crept into the house, unnoticed by the sleeping Seto.  She gently took off her shoes, and moved toward the couch.  She went on top of the table, and crouched..jumped, and landed on Seto. 

"Umpgh!!!"  Seto groaned and immediatly opened his eyes.  Seeing it was Tiffany he pulled her into a hug, but then said.  "If anyone else had done that to me, they'd be dead right now."  he mumbled.
Tiffany, grinning, and used to this said, "But I'm not 'anyone' else AM I Seto?"
Seto smirked, and said, "No, your not...but hey..Im really bored."
"Then go get up and do something!"
Tiffany got up, and grabbed 80 of Seto's favorite trenchcoats.  They were on the 2nd story.  She grinned and look at Seto.  Then she dropped them all off the balcony.
"^_______^ I gave you something to do."
Seto got up, and slowly went outside.  Tiffany, took his place on the sofa.
« Last Edit: January 15 2006, 10:58 am by Director of Music »

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Re: [Yugioh] When Seto Kaiba Gets bored
« Reply #3 on: November 23 2005, 01:16 pm »
Chapter 3
As Tiffany layed down on the sofa she looked at the ceiling.
"Hey...the ceiling is come I never noticed that before?"
Just then Seto walked back in with his trenchcoats.
"Darling," he said, "Please dont do that again."
"OO!! Is the High and Mighty SETO KAIBA begging?
Seto just closed his eyes, and said again, "Please?"
Tiffany grinned and said, "Alright, yes, but come lay down next to me..Im getting awfully bored."
Seto smirked and layed beside Tiffany.  At the same time they said,
"Did you know the ceiling was blue?"
« Last Edit: November 24 2005, 11:14 am by OniiChanTouya »

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Re: [Yugioh] When Seto Kaiba Gets bored
« Reply #4 on: November 25 2005, 06:17 am »
Chapter 4
They started laughing and Seto said, "Even though I've been living here forever, I never noticed that...weird hm?"
Tiffany grinned and just gazed back up, "Sure is Seto..sure is.  Cos your not the type to just well...not notice even the smallest things...Heck, something MUST be wrong with you today!"
Seto smirked his trademark smirked and looked up, putting his arms around Tiffany as he did so.  "What if I am?  Are you going to do something about it?"
She cocked her head, and said, "No, no Im not."  And rested her head against Seto's shoulder.  "But, I can't believe your actually bored Seto!"
"Who said anything about me being bored?  I'm just tired is all."
"It's obvious that you are..either way, its so not you!"  Tiffany raised an eyebrow, "Are you hiding something from me Seto?"

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Re: [Yugioh] When Seto Kaiba Gets bored
« Reply #5 on: November 29 2005, 09:20 am »
Ch 5
Are you hiding something from me Seto?
"Of course not!  Why would you think that?"
"Well..I dunno,you just seem kinda weird today, thats all..."
Seto chuckled.  "And you think that qualifies me as being up to something?"
"Yes..." Tiffany sheepishly said.
Seto put an arm around her, and whispered, "There might be a suprise.....but I'm not telling you what it is until the right time comes."
"So you WERE up to something!!!"
"Technically...yes..but..." Seto struggled to find the right words, "But, it was nothing bad, in fact, you'll be really suprised."
Tiffany raised her eyebrow as her boyfriend talked.  Seto never lied,so why would he now?  After all, he wasSeto Kaiba[/b] wasnt he?  She decided to trust him, once again.  "Okay Seto, if you say so."

"I know so."

Im back from my business trip.  Tiffany doesnt know yet.  And in fact, I really am going to give her a suprise...*Smirks*  And she'll love it.  Anyways, Seto Kaiba, is back.

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Re: [Yugioh] When Seto Kaiba Gets bored
« Reply #6 on: December 02 2005, 09:43 am »
Tiffany put her head on Seto's shoulder as she drifted off into sleep.  His protective arm around her gave her the safest feeling in the world.  But then when she awoke, Seto was still there holding her, but she felt sweaty all of a sudden.  "mmph.."  She mumbled.  Seto with worry lines on his face peered down at her.  "Are you okay?  Whats wrong?" 
"Im fine"
Seto gently put his hand on her forehead.  "Your burning up!"
"  Im fine...."
With a 'i dont think so' look, Seto carried Tiffany up to the 3rd flloor, and put her in his bed.  He tucked her under the covers, gave her some water, and a towel wet with water on her forehead.  He stayed by her side until she fell asleep.
"So much for asking her to marry me" he thought.  He sighed, and layed down next to her with one arm perched up as he lay his head on that hand.  Looking at Tiffany.
« Last Edit: December 10 2005, 09:04 am by OniiChanTouya »

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Re: [Yugioh] When Seto Kaiba Gets bored
« Reply #7 on: December 10 2005, 09:10 am »
Tiffany woke up and blinked, for a moment having no clue where she was.  She rolled over and came face to face with Seto....a sleeping Seto that is.  She grinned, and layed back down.  Hugging him as she did so.  Her headache was gone, and she felt a bit better.  Seto still had his trademark trenchcoat on, so she took it off and put it on her instead.  She then got up, and got one of Seto's black turtleneck shirts and put it on.  It was very big for her considering she was 5''2 and Seto was 6''2.  She grinned as she then put on his boots which made her about 3 inches taller.  She already had black pants on, so her outfit was all set.  She sat around for a while, thinking of which trenchcoat to give Seto to wear.  After a little bit, she went back to the closet, and got out the blue trenchcoat, and put it back on him.  She then went downstairs again and turned on the T.V.  Quite comfortable in Seto's clothes.

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Re: [Yugioh] When Seto Kaiba Gets bored
« Reply #8 on: December 14 2005, 09:22 am »
Seto awoke with a start.  He thought he'd be face to face with Tiffany.  But when she wasnt there, there was an emptyness that filled him first..and then panic.. "Where'd she go?!??! He jumped out of bed, and smoothed out his clothing...only to find he wasnt wearing the same trenchcoat as this morning.  He questingly looked at himself in the mirror trying to think when he had changed.  He ran down the stairs and his trenchcoat....correction, in ALL his clothes.  He sighed and slowly walked over to her.  God, she made him feel so good.  Even after all those times she had scared him, like now, he couldnt bring himself to get mad at her for it.  He sat down next to her and kissed her forehead.  Staring at her dark brown chocolate eyes.  She in turn, snuggled closer to him as she gazed up at him lost in his once icy cold blue eyes, but had now melted, into a crystal shining ocean.  She smiled.  He smiled.  They were completly happy in each other's company.

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Re: [Yugioh] When Seto Kaiba Gets bored
« Reply #9 on: December 19 2005, 08:22 am »
Ch 9
It was silent.  But Seto liked it this way.  This was a special moment he knew, and to talk was to break the spell.  Instead, he kept on staring at Tiffany.  A small smile pulling, tugging at the corners of his mouth.  He knew he had changed from a year ago.  A year ago, he was a cold hearted, irritating, anal retentive man, and he knew it.  But that was before he met Tiffany.  Oh you could still say he was cold hearted....but only to those idiots who had no clue what they was doing.  He couldnt stand it anymore, he chuckled.

Tiffany smiled at Seto laughing.  He rarely laughed, or smiled...always smirked.  And Tiffany, as far as she knew, was the only one who could accomplish such a feat.  She looked at Seto lovingly.  A year ago, she thought, she was unsure, not satisfied, and stubborn as heck....but that was before she met Seto.  Oh, she was still stubborn...but she was more confident..and satisfied...That big hole that had filled such a great part in her heart, was now filled.  With the man she had only dreamed of having sitting right in front of her.  Sometimes she still wondered why, and how Seto had fallen for her.  He was 17 yrs old, CEO of his company and one of the richest men in the world...but for the fact he was still a teen.  He was an accomplished business man to say the least.  While she, was 14, and..her job was school.  "Love is a strange thing." She said quietly. Nuzzling herself against Seto.
« Last Edit: December 21 2005, 07:02 am by Director of Music »

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Re: [Yugioh] When Seto Kaiba Gets bored
« Reply #10 on: December 25 2005, 06:56 am »
His breath toook a sharp intake, as Tiffany moved closer to him.  He held her tight, not wanting to let go.  Not wanting it to be the time when he had to go back to work.

Tiffany looked up at Seto again.  He seemed stressed.  But then again, why wouldn't he?  He was 17 and a CEO of his own company.  He had so much to bear, so much to endure.  She just wanted to help him.  And if it meant sharing some of the burden, then so be it.  Seto had a past a hard past.  And she knew she couldn't do much about that.  While in her thoughts, Seto said the one thing she didn't want to hear.

"Ive got to get back to work."  he said glumly.  It was the last thing he wanted to do leave her here.  But he had no choice.  With one last embrace, and one last kiss he had his trenchcoat on and was walking out the front door briefcase in hand.

And Tiffany, sadly watching him leave.  Had a strange premonition..a bad feeling that she wouldnt be seeing Seto for the longest time.  But no, that was silly, he'd come back.  He always did...well...would he?
« Last Edit: January 03 2006, 03:58 am by Director of Music »

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Re: [Yugioh] When Seto Kaiba Gets bored
« Reply #11 on: January 06 2006, 01:30 pm »

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Re: [Yugioh] When Seto Kaiba Gets bored
« Reply #12 on: January 15 2006, 10:30 am »
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Re: [YGO] When Seto Kaiba Gets bored (Complete)
« Reply #13 on: January 15 2006, 10:57 am »
-End of the 1st in the series  :)-

Seto in his Pj's bid you goodnight!  :rotfl: (oh man, he's gonna kill me for this XD)