CLAMP's Famous Works > Cardcaptor Sakura

Favorite piece of Merchendise?

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but what about the chess board?


--- Quote from: Okamirei on May 03 2005, 11:36 am ---but what about the chess board?

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In Japan, the chess board is sold with a container that also holds all the magazines.
I don't think the chess board is anything real special. I thought it would have characters or designs on it, but I'm pretty sure it's mostly plain.
I don't know if they are going to sell that in the US or not.
You can usually find the board and holder on ebay.

is it made out of plastic?


--- Quote from: Okamirei on May 03 2005, 11:50 am ---ooh..
is it made out of plastic?

--- End quote ---

You know, I'm really not sure.
If you type in you'll probably get one.
Don't know if they will tell or not though.
I think most boards (that aren't Really expensive) are made out of some sort of thick board and covered with a plastic lamenate or something.

...$99.99 =_=".....they think Im rich  :sweatdrop:...


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