General Discussions > Chains Board

NOTE: Post Counting is Disabled Here

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Little Wolf:
To prevent spamming of the forums, all posts here will not be credited.

They won't increase the post count of any member (including me :D ).

This board is all just for fun!  :tongue:

nooooo i like post counts...

Little Wolf:
But this board (Chains Board) could be'll know why later in the coming months why this is important for us. something to do with the games and the shop section... :D


--- Quote from: Little Wolf on April 03 2005, 12:46 am ---But this board (Chains Board) could be'll know why later in the coming months why this is important for us. something to do with the games and the shop section... :D

--- End quote ---

Good idea. In a few other forums I frequent, they are setting theirs up the same way since ppl were racking up big post counts with the avatar, quotes and three word story games...not that having a high post count means a whole lot to me. It the quality of the post and not the quantity that counts for me.

post counts is awesome


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