General Discussions > Chains Board

NOTE: Post Counting is Disabled Here

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Sorry if this post may sound offensive to some people but.............

I have to agree with Arcademan because geting a high post count or rank does not get you anywhere.
If you constantly post something which is SPAM/off-topic/one word posts/rubbish then its like joining a forum just to get a higher rank. We basically join forums to talk to people around the world, make friends and get more info/knowlegde on the forum subject (in this case it will be TRC & CCS) and NOT to get high post counts.

I am an Admin on a TMM forum & I almost felt like diasbling post counts from all the boards because all members care about is their post counts and their are too many discussions about it, so I am sick of it!


--- Quote from: Strawberry on July 27 2005, 10:40 pm ---Sorry if this post may sound offensive to some people but.............

I have to agree with Arcademan because geting a high post count or rank does not get you anywhere.
If you constantly post something which is SPAM/off-topic/one word posts/rubbish then its like joining a forum just to get a higher rank. We basically join forums to talk to people around the world, make friends and get more info/knowlegde on the forum subject (in this case it will be TRC & CCS) and NOT to get high post counts.

I am an Admin on a TMM forum & I almost felt like diasbling post counts from all the boards because all members care about is their post counts and their are too many discussions about it, so I am sick of it!

--- End quote ---

Thanks for agreeing with me. In a couple of forums i go to, the administrators turned OFF the counts. The only way to see them is to look up the person's personal profile. For better or worse, post counts are a necessary evil to some and not always a bad thing. Without them, a forum may go stagnant and dead :)

Yep, I agree, post count is fun, but there isn't any reason to have it count on chains and games.
And I agree with what I've heard before, quality over quantity.

i agree
i can just imagine the chaos  if post count was on
  it would be way too easy anyways


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