AuthorTopic: Favourite Scenes  (Read 37786 times)

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Re: Favourite Scenes
« Reply #40 on: May 01 2006, 07:11 pm »
How about, for consideration of the members that haven't seen the new episode, we use spoiler tags?

Episode 27:

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When Syaoran put his hand over Sakura's when teaching her how to drive
When Tomoyo gives Sakura her plane and she crashes and Syaoran runs to her yelling, "HIME!!
When Tomoyo started to film Sakura and she said, "Hoeee!" (I missed that!)
When Syaoran saw his other self in the dream
All those and a few more. ^^
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When Sakura and Syaoran crash into Kuro-rin and Fai
And after that when Mokona sang something about "balloons"? (Was watching the RAW, but the song sounded cute. lol)
Syaoran's reaction when saying "Sumimasen" to Sakura for touching her hand. :inlove:
When Syaoran walked out of the fire. He looked so cool at that moment!! XD)
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Re: Favourite Scenes
« Reply #41 on: May 08 2006, 06:55 pm »
-When Mokona was imitating Kuro-pon's voice in Ep. 13
-When Yuzuriha along w/ the oni slayer group were eating cake in cat's eye
-(flashback) when Seishirou and syaoran first met! :P

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Re: Favourite Scenes
« Reply #42 on: May 11 2006, 09:40 am »
One of the Outo episodes can't remember which one where Syaoran is hurt and Sakura goes up to do first aid and his asleep on the bed. She falls asleep on the floor resting on the bed and Mokana falls asleep on the bed as well. So sweet!
And most of the others you've mentioned as well, especially Sakura's song!

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Re: Favourite Scenes
« Reply #43 on: June 02 2006, 03:37 pm »
I´d like to add the flashback where Syaoran thanks Fujitaka-san.


Don´t mention it..

I think it´s both the F. seiyuu interpretation and the background music.. but it´s really, really moving

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Re: Favourite Scenes
« Reply #44 on: June 03 2006, 05:05 am »
One of the Outo episodes can't remember which one where Syaoran is hurt and Sakura goes up to do first aid and his asleep on the bed. She falls asleep on the floor resting on the bed and Mokana falls asleep on the bed as well. So sweet!

Yeah, I love that scene, too. I also liked:
-Sakura's song(very touching)
-When Fai was poking and pushing Kurogane so that he would turn around and eat Yuuko's chocolate in the Cat's Eye cafe(He was making funny noises while doing so)
-Immediately after Kurogane is told about his "puppy" name(he makes a lion-like growl when cornering Fai)
-Whenever Syaoran's eyes suddenly get very small(happened twice in ep. 23. Guh! It freaks me out how fast his eyes can go so small)
-In the Jade Country, after Syaoran got that book and was reading it while walking. Kurogane and Fai run past him(I forget why), and a second later Syaoran suddenly falls down(I was cracking up with laughter at that point)

-If only the sun could give light to those burnt out stars, even for only a moment, so that they can say good-bye.

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Re: Favourite Scenes
« Reply #45 on: June 17 2006, 10:45 pm »
i love all the scenes with Syaoran and Sakura in it... ahaha.. well, not exactly everything....

the scene when kuro put a mask thingy on fai's head and said, "wear that until you die."
and fai takes it off and replies, "there's nothing you can do. we'll be together forever!" something like that... actually all the scenes with kuro, fai, and mokona in that episode.

the scene in hanshin where kuro and mokona were in front of a takoyaki stand:
kuro: what's that?
vendor: it's takoyaki. you've never heard of this?
mokona: takoyaki! takoyaki!
kuro: so how do you eat it?
vendor: well, you put it in your mouth...

Syaoran's fighting scenes are always applauded by me... also the fighting scenes from kuro and fai... like the one in koriyo...

Sakura singing the japanese version of 'you are my love'

scene in the Clover bar when Oruha was singing 'Kaze no Machi he'

and this one:
fai: ...right big puppy?
kuro: call me by my name.
fai: okay big puppy! *smiling*
kuro: much better *looking happy* --what the hell?! *turns angry*

any other scene where kuro chases fai or something ^_^

and the scene when Mokona tells Fai that no one will blame him to be happy. that he doesnt have to fake anything. Mokona said that even if Fai is smiling, he knows that Fai is thinking of something. That he's lonely. I cried at that one. And i will not sweatdrop for crying. It touched me, so there..... (hehe)

i have soo much to mention....
....that i dont remember them all... ahehehe :sweatdrop:

does scenes from the manga count? anyway, if it does, well... i have a lot to mention... ahehehe :sweatdrop:
"no matter how you say it... it still means the same. it still IS the same. it's the same section where you find the... angels/devils... the same section that brings you noise, and most importantly, the FUN. but never, ever forget... TOKI-TOKI. hahaha!"

"millions of worlds, millions of beings, millions of souls, millions of lives. there are billions of wishes out there, but how can they all be granted, when there is only... ONE dimensional witch? and only one branch of her shop too." ^_^

"four different people. four different lives. four different wishes. but only one....... MOKONA." hahaha LOL ^_^

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Re: Favourite Scenes
« Reply #46 on: July 10 2006, 02:21 am »
All those and a few more. ^^
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When Sakura and Syaoran crash into Kuro-rin and Fai
And after that when Mokona sang something about "balloons"? (Was watching the RAW, but the song sounded cute. lol)
Syaoran's reaction when saying "Sumimasen" to Sakura for touching her hand. :inlove:
When Syaoran walked out of the fire. He looked so cool at that moment!! XD)

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yeahh.. there are nice i here more:
When Syaoran touched her hand , it was a great moment  :inlove:
When he walked out of the fire ...  :hehe:  so cool!

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Re: Favourite Scenes
« Reply #47 on: July 13 2006, 04:05 am »
my current favourates are...

the one in which Ashura kisses Yasha's wound... that was so profoundly cute!!!

and the way  Sakura turns CCS Sakuraish when Syaoran asks her to play that instrument.. again very cute!!

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Re: Favourite Scenes
« Reply #48 on: August 01 2006, 12:26 am »
I love the sence where Sakura subconsciosly kisses Syaoran's eye after his battle on the Moon Castle..

The whole episode of Mokona Doodler!!! Episode 37 i think.. so cute and hilarious.. especially the part where Syaoran and Sakura were going to kiss to save the world~~~
this has to be the BEST filler episode!

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Re: Favourite Scenes
« Reply #49 on: August 12 2006, 11:04 am »
oh yeah,episode 37 was the most useless...and however the funniest of the entire serie  :haha:!
i particulary love the scene where Fai appears behind Shaolan and sakura on the bank and starts blabed abruptly nonsense that nobody listen and can understand  :sweatdrop:!
in this episode Fai plays really the part of  "the guy annoying and crazy that you should NEVER invite if you don't want him to ruin your day  :okay:"!

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Re: Favourite Scenes
« Reply #50 on: August 23 2006, 05:48 am »
I really love it when Fai faces Primera. Dancing on the notes *__*
Plus, Kurozilla in episode 37.... *BEAAM!!* xD

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Re: Favourite Scenes
« Reply #51 on: September 30 2006, 11:08 am »
Fai force feeding Kuro-woof woof the chocolate.

Aw! They like each other! <3

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Re: Favourite Scenes
« Reply #52 on: October 31 2006, 02:58 am »
1) Any scene with some Kuro and Fay interaction.
2) The scenes of Kurogane's parents (waaaa he's a clone of his father!). When he touched her hair was soooo kawaii... waaa I almost cried in that episode (and I NEVER cry watching anime or manga) :cry:
3) And of course "Kaze no machi he"!  Kuro is even hotter!
4) Syaoran crying/almost crying (he's so cute!)

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Re: Favourite Scenes
« Reply #53 on: January 23 2008, 02:22 am »
I liked, near the conclusion, the thing with the two swords, was much like Rockman.EXE

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Re: Favourite Scenes
« Reply #54 on: January 26 2008, 11:19 pm »
-Syaoran vs Chaos

-Kamui vs Syaoran (under water)

-when fye makes fun of kurogane's name ^_^

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Re: Favourite Scenes
« Reply #55 on: January 27 2008, 12:15 pm »
Woah, I have many scenes I like in the anime (even though imo it was horrible) and I don't think I could list them all in one post, so i'm going to go from my memory of what I remember.  :keke:

*-* Any flash back when Sakura-chan and Syaoran-kun were together.
*-* When Kurogane found out his new name in Outo
*-* The scene where Mokona told Fay that he could be happy (that boost up my points for Mokona considering I thought Mokona always annoying. )
*-* Where Sakura-chan sings
*-* Love the scene with Syaoran and his foster father.
*-* When Fay succeeded in getting Kurogane to eat Watanuki's chocolate cake thing.
*-* Kurogane's Past
*-* Filler episode where they're all chibi's
*-* Sakura-chan subconciously kisses Syaoran's eye (but hate it when Mokona comes annoying).
*-* Clone Syaoran and Real Syaoran fight it out in the Tokyo Arc.
*-* That one episode where it looks like an older version of Syaoran and he's trying to get whatever's in the chest to save the girl...I can't remember...but in that episode Kurogane and Fay are in the arena battling it out and Fay get's super close.  :XD: 

That's all I can remember from my memory. =)

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Re: Favourite Scenes
« Reply #56 on: December 09 2008, 01:08 pm »
my most favorite scene from Tokyo Revelations OVA:

Kamui vs Kuro. <3
I swear I have watched that video at least 50 times. XD
I just luvs Kamui. <3 xP

I also like all KuroFai scenes. Lol.
I also liked Kurogane's past...and the filler ep in season 2 with Fai and Chii.
and when Sakura and Syaoran were talking in episode 1, lying down side by side, and Sakura was going to tell Syaoran she loved him.
Darn those bells! D: