AuthorTopic: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM  (Read 18385 times)

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Offline Pikari

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Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« on: December 07 2005, 11:32 am »
Just for those who have too much time on their hands and want to fill out more questions. I know a lot of these have already been asked, but I felt like putting them all together to be able to compare opinions.  :sweatdrop:

Feel free to suggest and add new questions, however crazy they may be.

Top three characters:
Bottom three characters:
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version):
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version):
Favorite hair:
Favorite outfit:
Favorite weapon:
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters:
Characters you'd like to see appear again:
Three characters you'd like to know more about:
Favorite pairing:
Favorite bad guy:

Top three worlds:
Bottom three worlds:
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught):
Least favorite feather:
Favorite place (not world):

Anime or manga:
Favorite manga volume:
Least favorite manga volume:
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose):
Favorite episode:
Least favorite episode:
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs):
Favorite BGM song:
Favorite seiyuu:

One thing you would change:
One thing you would NEVER change:
Whose gonna die in the end?:

Number of manga volumes you've read:
Number of episodes you've seen:
Number of merchandise you own:

My answers:

Top three characters: Fai, Kurogane, Yuuko
Bottom three characters: Chun Hyang, Primela, Chii
Character that you like better in Tsubasa: Mokona and Tomoyo
Character that you like less in Tsubasa: Sakura
Favorite hair: Fai ^__^
Favorite outfit: Outo Fai, Tomoyo-hime, or Lecourt Kurogane
Favorite weapon: Fai's darts or Souhi
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Kazahaya and Rikuo
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Touya and Yukito
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fai, Ashura-ou, Xing Fuo
Favorite pairing: Kurogane and Fai
Favorite bad guy: Seishirou or Xing Fuo

Top three worlds: Outo, Nihon, Celes
Bottom three worlds: Jade, Koryo, Sharano
Favorite feather: Seishirou's (although it hasn't been caught yet)
Least favorite feather: the extra anime one from ep 26
Favorite place (not world): Cat's Eye cafe, or Celes Palace

Anime or manga: manga
Favorite manga volume: 7 or 12
Least favorite manga volume: 3
Favorite colored manga picture: the one of Fai in the water, or the DVD box cover
Favorite episode: 19
Least favorite episode: 3
Favorite vocal song: Kaze no Machi e
Favorite BGM song: A Song of Storm and Fire
Favorite seiyuu: Namikawa Daisuke

One thing you would change: more KuroFai flirting
One thing you would NEVER change: Kuro's nicknames
Whose gonna die in the end?: Fai T_T. Though I hope not. If not, Ashura-ou will. Maybe Fei Wong.

Number of manga volumes you've read: 13
Number of episodes you've seen: 26
Number of merchandise you own: 4
« Last Edit: December 09 2005, 02:53 pm by Pikari »

Offline Nyoko

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #1 on: December 07 2005, 11:58 am »
Top three characters: Shaoran, Sakura, Fai
Bottom three characters: eh... I forget their names... Too lazy to look...
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version):Mokona
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Chii (She doesn't have a big enough part....  :cry:
Favorite hair: Tomoyo
Favorite outfit: Sakura while in Oto
Favorite weapon: Korugane's long sword
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Mei-Ling
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Chii
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fai, tomoyo
Favorite pairing:Sakura x Sahoran
Favorite bad guy: ><;; I can't remember any names today... Shaoran's mentor person

Top three worlds: Oto, Clow, and fairy tale land
Bottom three worlds: um... three others? -^^-;;
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught):  The one where the feather was in he mountain and whoever climbed it could make a wish
Least favorite feather:None
Favorite place (not world): The Cafe in Oto

Anime or manga: Manga
Favorite manga volume: #1
Least favorite manga volume: #3
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): I can't
Favorite episode: The one where they figure out that Oto is fake (When Sakura "Dies" for Shaoran)
Least favorite episode: Epi. 3
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): The song sakura sings for the black haired lady
Favorite BGM song: Shaoran's theme
Favorite seiyuu: Sakura's voice actress

One thing you would change: Nothing
One thing you would NEVER change: When Sakura "Dies" for Shoran (My favorite part in series)
Whose gonna die in the end?: Fai, mabye...

Number of manga volumes you've read: 6
Number of episodes you've seen: All
Number of merchandise you own: 6 manga volumes

Offline Meowzy

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #2 on: December 08 2005, 11:08 pm »
Top three characters: Fai, Kurogane, Chii
Bottom three characters: Uuuuh... Fei wong, that fat gang leader who turns good, That evil guy from Chung-hyang's world (and his son).
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Chii
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Sakura
Favorite hair: Ashura's (from Ceres) So long and lush...
Favorite outfit: Fai's default outfit.
Favorite weapon: Fai's staff.
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Kero-chan or Suppi.
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Sumomo and Kotoko.
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fai, Ashura, Chii (heheheheh)
Favorite pairing: FaixKurogane
Favorite bad guy: dr. Kyle! <3

Top three worlds: Outo,  Shura + Shara, Ceres
Bottom three worlds: The one with the Kudan, Chun-hyang's world, Pfiffle.
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): Jade country.
Least favorite feather: The one in episode 26.
Favorite place (not world): The castle from Ceres.

Anime or manga: Manga!
Favorite manga volume: 6
Least favorite manga volume: err... 2
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): The one with Fai in the water.
Favorite episode: 16
Least favorite episode: .... 3
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Kaze no machi he
Favorite BGM song: Breaking the sword of justice
Favorite seiyuu: Fai's seiyuu.

One thing you would change: More FaixKuro hints!
One thing you would NEVER change: The hints that are already there.
Whose gonna die in the end?: Fei wong! (and maybe Tomoyo, to dispose the world of KuroxTomoyo.)

Number of manga volumes you've read: I'm up to date so...
Number of episodes you've seen: 26
Number of merchandise you own: I've only got the first 6 volumes... V_V

Credit for the siggie to bLuetopaz! Icon by me!
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Offline Sabrina

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #3 on: December 09 2005, 05:35 am »
Top three characters: Kurogane, Fai, Mokona
Bottom three characters: Sakura, Masayoshi, Charme & Keefer
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Tomoyo, Mokona
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Souma, Seishirou
Favorite hair: Oruha
Favorite outfit: Kurogane and Fai (Awh, I don't know that worlds name ;___; ) but this is one example:
Favorite weapon: Ginryu
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Rikuo and Kazahaya ja Rikuo
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Kamui, Karen Kasumi
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fai, Mokona, Yuko
Favorite pairing: Arashi & Sorata
Favorite bad guy: Kyle :D

Top three worlds: Nihon, Nippon (I mean Japan where Yuko and everyone else is :P), Hanshin Republic
Bottom three worlds: Outo, Edonis, and that lake world XP
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): In Hanshin
Least favorite feather: well, that world where was that race..
Favorite place (not world): Cat's Eye cafe, Nihon (that palace where princes Tomoyo, Kurogane and Souma lives..)

Anime or manga: MANGA!
Favorite manga volume: don't have yet
Least favorite manga volume: don't have yet
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): well, this:
Favorite episode: don't have
Least favorite episode: everyone ;______;
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Blaze
Favorite BGM song: A Song of Storm and Fire
Favorite seiyuu: Yuu Asakawa (as Caldina) and maincharacters it would be....Tetsu Inada (as Kurogane)

One thing you would change: better graphic and not childish theme in anime!
One thing you would NEVER change: Kurogane as character! -^__^- and those drinking scenes...heheh XD
Whose gonna die in the end?: Syaoran, Sakura, Fai

Number of manga volumes you've read: 7 in english and in Japan 13
Number of episodes you've seen: 25
Number of merchandise you own: none...or can I count my fanarts? :P
« Last Edit: December 11 2005, 01:54 am by Sabrina »
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Offline sugahcat

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #4 on: December 09 2005, 08:28 am »
Top three characters: Fai, Kurogane, Clow
Bottom three characters: Primela, the bunnies, anime Ryuu-ou
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Kendappa-ou
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Sakura
Favorite hair: Fai ^^
Favorite outfit: Big Ashura, little Ashura xD Oh! And everyone in this picture  -
Favorite weapon: Souhi, Kurogane's big dragon sword (see above link)
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: I'd like to see them meet other versions of themselves. And, of course, Subaru.
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Seishirous
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fai, the other Syaoran, FWR
Favorite pairing: KuroFai, mais oui
Favorite bad guy: Seishirou or Debonair

Top three worlds: Outo, Nihon, Celes
Bottom three worlds: Koryu, the world with the bunnies, Hanshin
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): Seishriou's
Least favorite feather: Hmm... The one in ep. 26, I'd have to say
Favorite place (not world): Cat's Eye cafe :)

Anime or manga: Manga!
Favorite manga volume: Six
Least favorite manga volume: Three
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): December Calander pics from 2005 and 2006
Favorite episode: 17
Least favorite episode: Any of the Koryu ones
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Kaze no Machi he
Favorite BGM song: A Song of Storm and Fire
Favorite seiyuu: Namikawa Daisuke

One thing you would change: More about Fai's Mysterious Past (TM) please
One thing you would NEVER change: Mokona ^^
Whose gonna die in the end?: Fai... Maybe no-one will. You never know :P

Number of manga volumes you've read: 13
Number of episodes you've seen:26
Number of merchandise you own: I can't think. At least ten, in addition to all the DelRey and all the special editions.
« Last Edit: December 09 2005, 10:18 pm by sugahcat »

Offline selenityshiroi

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #5 on: December 09 2005, 11:14 am »
Updated 17/09/06

Top three characters: Fai, Kurogane, Subaru

Bottom three characters: Ryuoh, the Daimyou and son from Koryou

Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Sorata and Arashi (they're together!)

Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Yukito (no Yue conflict), Chii (she's too cute as a persocom, can't change her)

Favorite hair: Fai!  (And maybe Shurano's Ashura).

Favorite outfit: Subaru and Kamui's outfits

Favorite weapon:  Kamui's manicure!

Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters:  Wish cast, Dita and Jiima.

Characters you'd like to see appear again: Seishirou, Nokoru, Suoh and Akira.

Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fai, Seishirou (and Subaru, Kamui and Fuuma since they're interelated) and Syaoran's past

Favorite pairing: Kurogane/Fai Sakura/Syaoran

Favorite bad guy: Dr. Kyle

Top three worlds: Shurano/Sharano, Outo, Tokyo

Bottom three worlds:  Lake Country, Rabbit country, world from the 'Bus' filler episode.

Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught):  Seishirou's uncaught feather overall, the one Fai plucked from Syaoran for a caught feather (just for protective!Syaoran cuteness factor).  The one Syaoran found in Tokyo just before leaving.

Least favorite feather: Tornado feather

Favorite place (not world): Diet Building in Tokyo, Cat's Eye cafe, Okonomiyaki shop in Hanshin

Anime or manga: Manga

Favorite manga volume: 2, 7, the volumes with the Shurano arc, Tokyo volumes.

Least favorite manga volume: 3 (too much plot setting up rather than doing)

Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): 'Kingdom hearts' picture, DVD box picture, Kamui

Favorite episode: Ep 24

Least favorite episode: Chii episode, Bus Episode.

Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Kaze no Machi e, Tsubasa (English version)

Favorite BGM song: Strange Games

Favorite seiyuu:  All!  (Although I think Yukito's is too deep sounding)

One thing you would change: Yukito's deep voice

One thing you would NEVER change: The Kuro-nicknames!

Whose gonna die in the end?:  Hopefully not Syaoran...maybe the bad guys!

Number of manga volumes you've read: Up to 10 in English, chapter 128 in Japanese

Number of episodes you've seen: 41

Number of merchandise you own: 10 manga volumes in English, 2 Japanese tankobons, Future Soundscape I, II and III, transparant anime picture featuring Tomoyo and Souma

« Last Edit: September 18 2006, 07:09 am by selenityshiroi »

Offline augustserenade

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #6 on: December 09 2005, 02:49 pm »
Top three characters: Fai, Kurogane, Mokona
Bottom three characters: ...
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Yes, Sorata and Arashi
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): ...
Favorite hair: Fai
Favorite outfit: The DVD box set outfits
Favorite weapon: Ginryuu
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Legal Drug characters, Subaru, Kero-chan
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Seishiro
Three characters you'd like to know more about: The other Syaoran, Syaoran, Fai, and Ashura
Favorite pairing: Kurogane and Fai
Favorite bad guy: Seishiro

Top three worlds: Outo, Sharano, and the world where they dined and ditched sushi
Bottom three worlds: The lake country, Spirit, and Piffle
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): Hanshin
Least favorite feather: The one found in the rabbit-creature country
Favorite place (not world): Cat's Eye Cafe

Anime or manga: Manga
Favorite manga volume: Volume 6
Least favorite manga volume: Volume 12
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): I love this one.
Favorite episode: Episode 19
Least favorite episode:
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Kaze no Machi e
Favorite BGM song: Strange Games
Favorite seiyuu: Daisuke Namikawa

One thing you would change: More Kurogane and Fai moments
One thing you would NEVER change: The Sakura and Syaoran relationship
Whose gonna die in the end?: Yuuko? Fai? Fei Wong? Syaoran? I really have no idea...

Number of manga volumes you've read: 13
Number of episodes you've seen: 11
Number of merchandise you own: 7 Del Rey manga volumes

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #7 on: December 10 2005, 03:59 pm »
Top three characters: Syaoran, Fujitaka, Seishiro
Bottom three characters: Fei Wong, Ryanban's son, Mohican Leader
Character that you like better in Tsubasa: Yukito
Character that you like less in Tsubasa: Sakura
Favorite hair: Syaoran
Favorite outfit: too many to choose... :sweatdrop:
Favorite weapon: Hien
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Kamui
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Seishirou, Sorata and Arashi
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Syaoran and his 'other', Fai
Favorite pairing: Fujitaka and Syao...anou, does father x son pairing count?  :sweatdrop:
Favorite bad guy: Seishiro

Top three worlds: Rekoruto, Outo, Clow
Bottom three worlds: Country of Idols, Jade, Shurano
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): feather from Masayoshi's kudan
Least favorite feather: Country of Idol's feather
Favorite place (not world): Clow ruins, Cat's Eye, Fuugetsu resturant

Anime or manga: manga
Favorite manga volume: anou...6 and 13
Least favorite manga volume: 10th
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): This one, the Aerial CD cover, the DVD box set cover, and lots of others ><
Favorite episode: epi 26
Least favorite episode: epi 2
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Aerial, Tsubasa(japanese version)
Favorite BGM song: Song of storm and Fire
Favorite seiyuu: Irino Miyu

One thing you would change: more about the other Syaoran
One thing you would NEVER change: Kuro x Fai xD
Whose gonna die in the end?:. . .

Number of manga volumes you've read: 13
Number of episodes you've seen: 26
Number of merchandise you own:...a lot  :sweatdrop:

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #8 on: December 10 2005, 04:18 pm »
Top three characters:Fai-san, Kuro-pon, Syaoran-kun
Bottom three characters:Yuuko, Watanuki, Ryuoh
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Kuro-pon
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version):Sakura
Favorite hair:Fai-san
Favorite outfit:Fai-san, Kuro-pon, Sakura-hime
Favorite weapon:Syaoran-kun's (The weapon that looked like a ruler [sorry.. I don't know how to describe it])
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters:chii
Characters you'd like to see appear again:Shogou-kun
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fai-san, kuro-pon, syaoran-kun
Favorite pairing:Fai-sanxKuro-pon
Favorite bad guy:Seishiro-san

Top three worlds:Celes, Outo, Jade
Bottom three worlds:Koryo, Clow, Edonis (not Outo)
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): Hanshin Rep, the scene where sakura-hime can't remember syaoran-kun
Least favorite feather: Koryo
Favorite place (not world):Celes palace (It's cool!)

Anime or manga: Manga
Favorite manga volume:2, 5, 6, 7
Least favorite manga volume:3
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): Del Rey Comics 1st vol
Favorite episode:19, 24
Least favorite episode:5
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Yume no Tsubasa, Blaze, Amurita
Favorite BGM song:Break the sword of justice, Strange Games
Favorite seiyuu:Daisuke Namikawa, Yui Makino

One thing you would change: season 1 end
One thing you would NEVER change: kuroxfai relationship
Whose gonna die in the end?:SAKURA!!! joke.. I don't want any of them to die... but if it's necessary to choose, Fei Wong Reed

Number of manga volumes you've read:7
Number of episodes you've seen:9
Number of merchandise you own:7 :shifty:
« Last Edit: December 17 2005, 12:09 am by -=kuro_woof=- »

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #9 on: December 10 2005, 06:31 pm »
Top three characters: Fai, Kurogane, and Syaoran
Bottom three characters: Fei Wong Reed (perhaps I'll like him better if he were given some type of personality besides traditional uber-evil guy of doom); Ryanban and son
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Can't think of one
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Sakura- Tsubasa Sakura is too Mary-Sue-ish
Favorite hair: Yuuko's
Favorite outfit: Kurogane's get-up in LeCourt
Favorite weapon: Ginryu
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Legal Drug (alternate universe)
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Seishiro
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Seishiro, Fai, and Syaoran
Favorite pairing: Kuro/Fai!
Favorite bad guy: Sei-chan

Top three worlds: Outo, Shurano/Sharano, and LeCourt
Bottom three worlds: Hanshin, Pink Bunny World,
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): Piffle
Least favorite feather:Pink bunny world
Favorite place (not world): Yuuko's shop

Anime or manga: manga
Favorite manga volume: 7 and 13
Least favorite manga volume: 2 (I have always found Hanshin boring... The only good thing about it was seeing Arashi and Sorata happily married... It makes me happy to see any X character actually happy, since Clamp seems dead set on making all of those poor guys suicidal)
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): Can't choose
Favorite episode: first, actually
Least favorite episode: episode 26
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Kaze no Machi he
Favorite BGM song: Strange Games
Favorite seiyuu: Hmm...  Don't know

One thing you would change: Make it clear whether Shurano's Ashura and Fai's Ashura are supposed to be different versions of the other or not
One thing you would NEVER change: anything in Outo
Whose gonna die in the end?: Fei Wong Reed

Number of manga volumes you've read: all
Number of episodes you've seen: all
Number of merchandise you own: none except manga
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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #10 on: December 13 2005, 08:38 pm »
Top three characters:
Syaoran, Sakura, Yuko
Bottom three characters:
sun fish, Kyle, Wei Fong
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version):
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version):
Sakura :/
Favorite hair:
Sakura XD  I can style mine that way in 15 mintues with a little hairspray
Favorite outfit:
Don't make me choose!
Favorite weapon:
Soup Ladle!
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters:
Wish would be nice
Characters you'd like to see appear again:
Tomoyo, and Ashura
Three characters you'd like to know more about:
Sessherou, Syaoran, Fai
Favorite pairing:
Favorite bad guy:
Top three worlds:
Outo, Piffle, Current story
Bottom three worlds:
Jade, Japan, Clow
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught:
The piffle world feather
Least favorite feather:
Favorite place (not world):
Cat's Eye cafe'
Anime or manga:
Don't make me choose!
Favorite manga volume:
Least favorite manga volume:
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose):
Favorite episode:
Least favorite episode:
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs):
Take me away, Amurita
Favorite BGM song:
The dreamers, Song of storms and fire
Favorite seiyuu:
Syaoran's, cuase' he's Sora too!
One thing you would change:
The fact that Yuko's world, and the CCS world are the same
One thing you would NEVER change:
Whose gonna die in the end?:
Fai (Don't kill me fan girls! I like him too! )
Number of manga volumes you've read:
All of em'
Number of episodes you've seen:
Most of em'
Number of merchandise you own:
Just Manga

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #11 on: December 14 2005, 03:52 am »
Fun fun! ^^
Top three characters: Syaoran, Yuzuriha, Tomoyo
Bottom three characters: Caldina, The Ryanban, Miyuki(just come on and DO SOMETHING INTERESTING ALREADY!
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Syaoran
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Seishirou - it's a love-hate thing.
Favorite hair: Fai's
Favorite outfit: Sakura's racing outfit from chaptire 79-ish/ Syaoran's 1st outfit
Favorite weapon: Hien
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Kamui
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Seishirou, Yuzuriha
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Syaoran, Fai, Seishirou
Favorite pairing: tie... SyaoranxSakura/SakuraxTomoyo
Favorite bad guy: Kyle Rondart

Top three worlds: Clow, Piffle, Outo
Bottom three worlds: Koryo, Hanshin (just 2!)
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): book 5, recovered frm the crumbling castle in Jade.
Least favorite feather: 1st feather from hanshin (aka Sakura's name)
Favorite place (not world): The flower garden in Clow country (anime)

Anime or manga:
Favorite manga volume: 8 (scanlations. bwa ha ha)
Least favorite manga volume: 3
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): Chaptire 42 cover
Favorite episode: 16
Least favorite episode: 7
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): ((edit: whoops! forgot one! ^^;;))
Refraction - even though it just came with Aerial >.<
Favorite BGM song: A song of storm and fire
Favorite seiyuu: Miyu Irino

One thing you would change: Yukito's seiyuu
One thing you would NEVER change: Syaoran's cape
Whose gonna die in the end?: Fai. (bwa ha ha ha)

Number of manga volumes you've read: 12 (if scanlations count)
Number of episodes you've seen: 26
Number of merchandise you own: Just my manga, and my Kiseki boxed set!
« Last Edit: December 14 2005, 08:37 pm by suu_no_clover »
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Offline babypigggy

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #12 on: December 14 2005, 08:01 am »
Top three characters: Syaoran, Fye & Mokona (=
Bottom three characters:err =\
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Syaoran
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): I don't like anyone LESS xP
Favorite hair: Syaoran's brown hair xP
Favorite outfit: hmm..I like Sakura and Syaoran's outfits in the clow
Favorite weapon: *thinks* do sakura's feathers count??
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Meiling
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Chii!!
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Yuuko, That guy..i dont know his name..with the glasses? and the black mokona
Favorite pairing:S +S
Favorite bad guy:umm, im not good with names >.<
Syaoran's teacher personn..with one eye blindd
Top three worlds:Clow, Oto, the place where Yuuko is at
Bottom three worlds: --
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): umm, when sakura saw that dead princess
Least favorite feather:the one that..someone gave to them -_-
Favorite place (not world):Sakura + Fye's diner

Anime or manga:manga
Favorite manga volume: 5
Least favorite manga volume: 6
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): umm, the volume 7 cover
Favorite episode:ep 26 ^_^
Least favorite episode:ep18
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs):Amurita!
Favorite BGM song:i dont know =\
Favorite seiyuu:Sakura's voice is so cute

One thing you would change:nothing XP
One thing you would NEVER change: S + S!!
Whose gonna die in the end?: Touya

Number of manga volumes you've read:
Number of episodes you've seen:
Number of merchandise you own:

 -- never too far.. no matter how far ..
twinKITTY;; Zeldi
bigKITTY;; pretty,Quimmy,TimeMachine,Nyoko,Møon Li,sofiacardcaptors,Moezy-chan,-=kuro_woof=-,Sya0ran,bLuetopaz,Shuinu,bie_liao,aishiteru,Ashlee
bigPUPPY;; vexnet, Kasawa Lanford
littleKITTY;;Fai, Cardcaptors_Ria, baby.piglet

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #13 on: December 14 2005, 01:29 pm »
Top three characters: Syaoran, Sakura and Fai.
Bottom three characters: Hm..I don't know. ^^;
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): No-one.
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): No-one.
Favorite hair: Fai's hair. It's pretty. xD
Favorite outfit: I like sakura's outfits. Whether it be in Tsubasa or CCS, I luff the clothing she wears. I WANT HER CLOTHES.  :cry:
Favorite weapon: Syaoran's sword. Mmhm.
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Syaoran and Sakura's courterparts. Hahaha. Maybe even the not-so-popular characters in the CCS series. That'd be cool. ^^
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Chii-chan.
Three characters you'd like to know more about:
Favorite pairing: S+S. ;D
Favorite bad guy: Uh, I don't know her name, what she appeared at the Clover bar (or whatever the place was called.. *sigh* ).. with the long black curly hair.

Top three worlds: Clow, Outo and Piffle.
Bottom three worlds: Don't have any.
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): The one that was caught in Jade.
Least favorite feather: --
Favorite place (not world): Cat's Eye.

Anime or manga: Both.
Favorite manga volume: 5
Least favorite manga volume: none
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): I like all the pictures. They're pretteh. ^^ But I'd say the pictures of Sakura and Syaoran when they were little.
Favorite episode: I liked the episode where it showed Syaoran in a white t-shirt. Ohhh.. Soooo hot! *drools*
Least favorite episode: Hm.. I don't really have any least favorite. The fillers were kinda boring..
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Yume No Tsubasa!
Favorite BGM song: A song of storm and fire
Favorite seiyuu: Don't know his name. He's the voice for Syaoran ( does the same voice for Daisuke in DNAngel. ^__^;; )

One thing you would change: Less fillers.
One thing you would NEVER change: S+S, of course. I love their relationship. ^__^
Whose gonna die in the end?: .. ; ; I don't want anyone to die!

Number of manga volumes you've read: 5
Number of episodes you've seen: Hmm..haven't been keeping track of that.
Number of merchandise you own: I have one TRC poster.. and that's it.
« Last Edit: December 15 2005, 05:18 pm by Genki_Girl »
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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #14 on: December 15 2005, 03:07 am »
Top three characters: Sakura, Syaoran & Mokona
Bottom three characters: mmm >.< I don't know @@
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Syaoran
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): no one
Favorite hair: Syaoran's hair *-*
Favorite outfit: fye's one
Favorite weapon: Kurorin's one xD
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Kero-chan, Eriol *-*, Yue x)
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Keefer *------*
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Syaoran, Fye & Fei wong reed
Favorite pairing: S&S
Favorite bad guy: fei wong reed xD

Top three worlds: Piffle, the world when appears Keefer *.*, Lecourt xD
Bottom three worlds: Hanshin, Koryo... xD
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): mmm i don't have a favorite one xD
Least favorite feather: no one
Favorite place (not world): Cat's eye

Anime or manga: both >.<
Favorite manga volume: mmm 11
Least favorite manga volume:  no one
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): all @@ specially when S&S appears *-*
Favorite episode: 16, 21, etc. xD
Least favorite episode: 26
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Loop
Favorite BGM song: -
Favorite seiyuu: syaoran's one, sakura's one

One thing you would change: mmm nothing xD
One thing you would NEVER change: S&S
Whose gonna die in the end?: >.< mmmm i don'tknow.. but i don't like that Sakura, syaoran, kurorin or fye die >_>

Number of manga volumes you've read: 14
Number of episodes you've seen: 26
Number of merchandise you own: mmm nothing i guess xD

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Forum Family ^-^
Sister: CherryandWolfLover
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Aunt: Fye-chan
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Little sis: Ruby Chan
Twin sis: princess_kakurine
Sis: Cherry-chan
Sis: Goku [cardcaptors_ria]
Sis: rusty
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Big sis: Møon Li
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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #15 on: December 23 2005, 10:13 pm »
Top three characters: Sakura, Syaoran, Seishirou,
Bottom three characters: Fei Wong Reed, Kyle, Sun Fish 0.o
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Yukito
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Meh, can't think of anyone~
Favorite hair: Sakura's hair
Favorite outfit: SAKURA!
Favorite weapon: Syaoran's sword
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Eriol, Kero or Misaki.
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Tomoyo!
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fay, Seishirou-san and Fei Wong Reed
Favorite pairing: Syaoran and Sakura...duh!
Favorite bad guy: Kyle-sensei

Top three worlds: Piffle, Outo and Yamano
Bottom three worlds: The Lake Country, Koryo and.....modern Japan? 0.o
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): The feather they found in Syaoran's clothes.
Least favorite feather: The one from Hanshin. It caused Syaoran sadness....
Favorite place (not world): Cat's Eye

Anime or manga: Manga
Favorite manga volume: 09...the kiss!
Least favorite manga volume: Mmm....none.
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): This one!
Favorite episode: Episode 1! The best!
Least favorite episode: Episode 2. Bah, the artwork was crappy.
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): You are my love (Japanese Version)
Favorite BGM song: A Song of Storm and fire
Favorite seiyuu: Yui Makino

One thing you would change: More comedy...the drunk scenes!
One thing you would NEVER change: S+S moments, goddamnit!
Whose gonna die in the end?: Fei Wong Reed!

Number of manga volumes you've read: 14
Number of episodes you've seen: 26
Number of merchandise you own: 3 TRC posters..that's it.

~Forum family~                                             
Onii-chan : Kuropuppy
Onee-chan : Sayora Chan, lika-ichi
Ate : princess kakurine
Imoto-chan : Zeldi, Monse-chan
Twin sisters : fisah, xOLight AngelxO
Cousins : sofiacardcaptors, bluetopaz
Niece : Asuka

99% of the female population all think that Syaoran is the hottest bishie ever in both TRC & CCS. 1% is me! XD If you're one of the 1% who isn't so possesive over Syaoran, and wants him to be with Sakura only, copy and paste this into your sig.

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #16 on: December 30 2005, 06:27 pm »
Top three characters: Syaoran, Sakura, Fye
Bottom three characters: Primela, Fei Wong Reed, Ryanban's son
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Syaoran
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Chii
Favorite hair: Sakura's hair
Favorite outfit: Sakura's outfits! i want them =P
Favorite weapon: Syaoran's kicks
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Kero appearing
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Chii
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Syaoran, Fye, Yuuko
Favorite pairing: definitely Syaoran+Sakura!!
Favorite bad guy: Dr. Kyle

Top three worlds: Clow, Piffle, Outo
Bottom three worlds: -
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): for the moment, it's the one caught by Syaoran and his flaming kudan
Least favorite feather: -
Favorite place (not world): Cat's Eye

Anime or manga: Manga!
Favorite manga volume: first
Least favorite manga volume: -
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): the ones with the four travellers together
Favorite episode: -
Least favorite episode: -
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Aerial
Favorite BGM song: A Song of Storm and Fire
Favorite seiyuu: Yui Makino

One thing you would change: nothing...
One thing you would NEVER change: Syaoran's and Sakura's relationship
Whose gonna die in the end?: No one!!! okie, maybe the bad guys XD

Number of manga volumes you've read: 12
Number of episodes you've seen: 16 (can't really rmb thou...)
Number of merchandise you own: uh...quite a few  -huggles them-
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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #17 on: January 15 2006, 02:54 am »
Top three characters: Sakura, Syaoran and Fye
Bottom three characters:Primera, Shogo and Ryanban
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Syaoran
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): none
Favorite hair: Ashura (from Shurano)
Favorite outfit: Sakura's Outo outfit
Favorite weapon: Fye's staff
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Kero from CCS
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Ashura
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Ashura, Yasha and Fye
Favorite pairing: Sakura and Syaoran
Favorite bad guy: Seishiro

Top three worlds: Outo, Shurano, Clow
Bottom three worlds: Hanshin, the one with Ryanban
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): Country of Idol, where the strong wind was actually caused by the feather.
Least favorite feather: none
Favorite place (not world): Cat's Eye

Anime or manga: Anime
Favorite manga volume: none
Least favorite manga volume: none
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): the one with Shurano's Ashura
Favorite episode: 1st episode
Least favorite episode: the ones with Ryanban
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Tsubasa by FictionJunction Kaori
Favorite BGM song: BGM?
Favorite seiyuu: none

One thing you would change: to make Sakura remember Syaoran at the end of first season
One thing you would NEVER change: Sakura and Syaoran moments
Whose gonna die in the end?: Fei Wong Reed

Number of manga volumes you've read: a couple
Number of episodes you've seen: all 26!
Number of merchandise you own: TRC merchandise, only 1; calender

Forum Family:
Little bro: Tooya_Mizuki
Little sis: fisah :: lika-chi :: Starfire :: sofiacardcaptors :: Angelic-Essence :: Ruby Chan :: -=kuro_woof=- :: cardcaptors_ria :: Fai :: babypigggy :: .HACk//kite//shUgO
Cousin: Ralea :: CherryandWolfLover :: Zeldi :: yume-chan

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #18 on: January 17 2006, 01:41 pm »
Top three characters: syaoran, sakura, mokona
Bottom three characters: ahahaha, i'm not sure, actually
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): syaoran
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): eh, i dunno
Favorite hair: erm, sakura's
Favorite outfit: syaoran's =)
Favorite weapon: kurogane's x]
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: kero appearing =)
Characters you'd like to see appear again: ashura
Three characters you'd like to know more about: ashura, fai, and...can't think of another one
Favorite pairing: S & S =)
Favorite bad guy: um...dr.kyle...xD

Top three worlds: clow, outo, yamano
Bottom three worlds: dunno
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): it's hard to choose ><
Least favorite feather: haha, i dunno ><"
Favorite place (not world):Cat's Eye

Anime or manga: manga
Favorite manga volume: erm, none
Least favorite manga volume: none
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): haha, i can't choose xP
Favorite episode: =S
Least favorite episode: =S
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): You are My Love (jap version) - Yui Makino
Favorite BGM song: uhh...Guess how much i love you, that song owns =)
Favorite seiyuu: erm, none

One thing you would change: erm, nothing
One thing you would NEVER change: Sakura and Syaoran SEPARATING =O *cries in terror if it does happen*
Whose gonna die in the end?:i one?

Number of manga volumes you've read: HAHA, a couple (actually, all of the volumes)
Number of episodes you've seen: um...the first 11 episodes...and the last one, lol
Number of merchandise you own: GAH, I HAVE NOTHING *cries*;_;

Forum Family <3
itoko-san: Pretty, Okamirei
onee-san: Møon Li
futago-san: kudan

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #19 on: January 19 2006, 04:58 am »
Top three characters: Fai, Kurogane, Syaoran
Bottom three characters: Yuuko, Primela, Kyle
Character that you like better in Tsubasa: Tomoyo and Mokona
Character that you like less in Tsubasa: Sakura
Favorite hair: Fai
Favorite outfit: Fai in Outo, Fai and Kurogane in Shurano (sp)
Favorite weapon: Souhi, Ginryuu, Fai's darts
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Legal Drug boys! (Rikuo and Kaza!)
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Touya and Yukito
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fai, Ashura-ou, Syaoran
Favorite pairing: KuroFai
Favorite bad guy: Seishirou

Top three worlds: Outo, Celes, Jade
Bottom three worlds: Hanshin, Koryo, Sharano
Favorite feather: Seishirou's
Least favorite feather: Episode 26 of the anime
Favorite place (not world): Celes Palace

Anime or manga: Manga
Favorite manga volume: 6
Least favorite manga volume: 3
Favorite colored manga picture: Fai in the water
Favorite episode: 19
Least favorite episode: 1
Favorite vocal song: Kaze no Machi e
Favorite BGM song: A Song of Storm and Fire
Favorite seiyuu: Namikawa Daisuke

One thing you would change: More KuroFai action!
One thing you would NEVER change: Fai's behaviour
Whose gonna die in the end?: Fai and Kurogane (sob! I hope not!)

Number of manga volumes you've read: 7 books, 2 online
Number of episodes you've seen: 26
Number of merchandise you own: 7

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