Top three characters: Fye, Yukito, Tomoyo
Bottom three characters: Primera, Sumomo, the evil guy in Chun Hyang's world and his son (that's four, but whatever)
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): None, I think. But then, I haven't seen much of CLAMP
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Sakura and Syaoran
Favorite hair: Fye's and Tomoyo's
Favorite outfit: Fye's movie outfit and Syaoran's mantle in Clow's country
Favorite weapon: I'll go with the flow and say the darts...
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Yue would be nice
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Clow, Ryou, Touya and Yukito
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fye, Clow and Syaoran (2)
Favorite pairing: Touya/Yukito, always. But I'm also a closet Fye/Kurogane fan...
Favorite bad guy: Kyle-sensei
Top three worlds: Clow's country, the one where Tomoyo is the boss of that company aaaand... can't think of anyone more
Bottom three worlds: The one with the lake, Chun Hyang's, and the one with the Kudans
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): the one in Chun Hyang's world, because it brought such a sad little memory
Least favorite feather: The one in Outo
Favorite place (not world): The diner in Outo, where
Kaze no machi e was performed
Anime or manga: Anime
Favorite manga volume: Dunno... I missed some in the middle because the links wouldn't work
Least favorite manga volume: Dunno here either
Favorite episode: 1, 19 and 20
Least favorite episode: What number was it... the one where they found out that Kyle-sensei
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was the one who had been kidnapping the children
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs):
You are my love - Sakura version,
Kaze no machi e and BLAZE
Favorite BGM song: A Song of Ice and Storm, Ship of fools
Favorite seiyuu: I like Tomoyo's and Fye's. And Mokona's.

One thing you would change: Yukito's voice. As mentioned above, it's way too deep for him.
One thing you would NEVER change: The character design
Whose gonna die in the end?: Frankly, I don't think Tsubasa is the kind of series where major characters die, but
if, I think it would be Fye...
Number of manga volumes you've read: I've been skipping around a lot, sometimes in the middle of a volyme.
Number of episodes you've seen: 26, plus movie
Number of merchandise you own: None