AuthorTopic: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM  (Read 18290 times)

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #20 on: January 23 2006, 11:47 am »
Top three characters: Fai, Sakura, Kurogane,
Bottom three characters: Um, the Ryanban, Mr. Grosum, and Fei Wong Reed I guess,
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Mokona, Tomoyo, Touya,
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Um.. Yukito I guess, I still like him now that he has magic, and is still nice, but I don't like how he doesn't have AS MUCH connection towards Sakura, and sometimes he's a tad too serious than what I'm used to.
Favorite hair: Fai, Kurogane's father ^_^ Yukito,
Favorite outfit: Um... Sakura's default, Kurogane's default and Shurano outfit, Fai's Hanshin outfit,
Favorite weapon: Souhi, Ginryu, and Fai's staff,
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: YUE!!!! Eriol,  ^_^
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Chii, Yukito, um... Ohjiro, Misaki, and Tamayo (they like, only showed up as some of cat's eyes random customers).
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fai, Syaoran, Chii, Seishirou, Princess Tomoyo (?)
Favorite pairing: Um... Kurogane/Tomoyo (please don't kill meee!!!!) Fai/Sakura FOR FUN ONLY!!!!!! Fai/Chii,(PLEASE don't kill me for this!) Syaoran/Sakura ^_^ (I like alot ne?)
Favorite bad guy: umm..... Kyle-sensei and Seishirou I guess.

Top three worlds: Celes, Outo, Japan,
Bottom three worlds: Jade, Koryo, the lake....
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): Um, don't really know. I liked Seishirou's (though, they didn't exactly get it YET) and Jade's I guess.
Least favorite feather: Um, Koryo's I think
Favorite place (not world): Cat's eye Cafe, Clow's palace and Japan's palace.

Anime or manga: MANGA!!!
Favorite manga volume: Uh, vol 7 I guess (>_< It's hard to choose!)
Least favorite manga volume: uh...3 I think I don't really have a least favorite yet.
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): The one with Syaoran, Fai, and Kurogane and their Kudan, and the picture with Fai, Sakura, Syaoran and Kurogane with that giant stone wind in the background I guess.
Favorite episode: episode 1, 23, and 25.
Least favorite episode: uh, 15 I think. It's the filler one.
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Yume no Tsubasa
Favorite BGM song: Break the sword of Justice.
Favorite seiyuu: Daisuke Namikara and Yui Makino!

One thing you would change: Yukito's new voice (it's not THAT bad, but it takes time getting used to, and I think it's too deep for child Yukito)
One thing you would NEVER change: uh, Kurogane's sword fighting skills and scenes,
Whose gonna die in the end?: Well, most probable is Fai (WAHHH!!!!) Ashura, maybe Syaoran? (NOOO!!!!)

Number of manga volumes you've read: 7, I've also been skipping around, reading random chapters that happen later ^_^'.
Number of episodes you've seen: 26
Number of merchandise you own: uh, including manga, 11, not including manga, 4,
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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #21 on: January 23 2006, 12:12 pm »
Top three characters:  Syaoran, Sakura and Fay
Bottom three characters:  Ryanban, Fei Wong Reed and ...
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version):  Syaoran
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version):  N/A
Favorite hair:  Fay!
Favorite outfit:  Sakura's Outo Outfit
Favorite weapon:  Syaoran's Sword
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters:  Eriol from CCS
Characters you'd like to see appear again:  Sorata
Three characters you'd like to know more about:  Fay, Kurogane and Seishirou
Favorite pairing:  Syaoran and Sakura
Favorite bad guy: Seishirou

Top three worlds:  Outo, Piffle and Lecourt
Bottom three worlds:  Koriyo, Country of Idols (with the bunnies...) and The Lake
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught):  Piffle World, when they competed for it in the Dragonfly Race.
Least favorite feather:  N/A
Favorite place (not world): Cat's Eye!

Anime or manga:  Manga...uhh...anime.  No both?!  @.@;;
Favorite Manga Volume:
Least favorite manga volume:  N/A
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose):  So many choose from...xD  Undecided.
Favorite Episode:  20th Episode
Least favorite episode:  The episodes with the Ryanban
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs):  Amrita by Makino Yui
Favorite BGM song:  Dewdrops
Favorite Seiyuu:  Irino Miyu

One thing you would change:  Their ears...lmao.
One thing you would NEVER change:  S+S moments
Whose gonna die in the end?:  Fei Wong Reed *shrugs*

Number of manga volumes you've read:  14
Number of episodes you've seen:  All 26
Number of merchandise you own:  Too many to list.  o.o;
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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #22 on: February 20 2006, 12:20 pm »
Top three characters: Syaoran, Sakura, Kurogane
Bottom three characters: Yuuko, Primela, and Kyle
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Syaoran
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Fai
Favorite hair: Syaoran
Favorite outfit: Syaoran
Favorite weapon: Syaoran
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Kero
Characters you'd like to see appear again: ashura
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Syaoran, Fai, and Seishirou
Favorite pairing: Syaoran and Sakura
Favorite bad guy: Seishirou

Top three worlds: Clow, Celes, and Jade
Bottom three worlds: Hanshin, Koryo, and Sharano
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): Seishirou
Least favorite feather: don't know
Favorite place (not world): Cat's eye

Anime or manga: Manga
Favorite manga volume: 7
Least favorite manga volume: 5
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): cover of eight
Favorite episode: never seen
Least favorite episode: never seen
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Kaze no Machi he
Favorite BGM song: A Song of Storm and Fire
Favorite seiyuu: none

One thing you would change: nothing
One thing you would NEVER change: Syaoran
Whose gonna die in the end?: Fai and Kurogane

Number of manga volumes you've read: 8
Number of episodes you've seen: 0
Number of merchandise you own: 8

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #23 on: February 28 2006, 11:38 am »
Top three characters: Sakura, Syaoran, Fai....
Bottom three characters: don't really have any at the moment
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Syaoran
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): no idea...
Favorite hair: Sakura's...pity I can't get my hair like that! ^_^
Favorite outfit: Sakura's...always a neat dresser!
Favorite weapon: hmmmm... Kurogane's sword?
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: ummmm... does it need to be clamp related? if not, i'd want Rukia from BLEACH. now that would be interesting to see! =P
Characters you'd like to see appear again: I'd like to see the black mokona again... we hardly hear from it.
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fai for one (coz we don't know a lot about his past), Syaoran and Yuuko
Favorite pairing: Sakura & Syaoran all the way!
Favorite bad guy: idea yet. i'm up to date with the manga...I just haven't really thought about which bad guy i like yet.

Top three worlds: the world with Spirit as one of the towns, the magician world (whatever the name is) and the world with Clow Country
Bottom three worlds: no idea
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): i'd say the race. that was an interesting capture. =)
Least favorite feather: ----
Favorite place (not world): Clow country

Anime or manga: both...they're both beautiful!
Favorite manga volume: all!
Least favorite manga volume: --
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): lol...ummm... all of them!
Favorite episode: first episode
Least favorite episode: ----
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Amrita by Yui Makino
Favorite BGM song: ----
Favorite seiyuu: probably Sakura's seiyuu?

One thing you would change: nothing!!! =)
One thing you would NEVER change: the sakura & syaoran relationship
Whose gonna die in the end?: awwwww...does someone need to die? ='(

Number of manga volumes you've read: i'm up to date with the manga volumes at the moment
Number of episodes you've seen: til episode 17 so far...
Number of merchandise you own: nothing ='( i really need to get some merchandise!
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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #24 on: February 28 2006, 01:59 pm »
Top three characters: sakura, syaoran, mokona
Bottom three characters: uhhhh..... kotoko, sumomo, and that fat gang leader from hanshin republic.
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): mokona!
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): uhhhh... sakura. definitely. she's too dependent.
Favorite hair: chii `=)
Favorite outfit: chun hyang
Favorite weapon: flame sword
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: sailor moon characters. haha lols.
Characters you'd like to see appear again: chii!
Three characters you'd like to know more about: uhh, i have one. the princess from the castle place.
Favorite pairing: sakura x syaoran
Favorite bad guy: the big kudan of that boy. haha.

Top three worlds: outo, celes, and uhhh.... clow
Bottom three worlds: hanshin republic, and i don't know.
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): the feather from the jade world
Least favorite feather: i think.. seishirou's
Favorite place (not world): cat's eye!

Anime or manga: anime
Favorite manga volume: 6
Least favorite manga volume: 1
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): cover of manga 1.
Favorite episode: 25!
Least favorite episode: uhhh.. 17.
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): LOOP! haha. i listened to that song on repeat for a month.
Favorite BGM song: song of storm and fire. dewdrops
Favorite seiyuu: sakamoto maaya! haha.

One thing you would change: kuroxfai action
One thing you would NEVER change: s&s action
Whose gonna die in the end?: mokona. haha. nahh, just kidding. seishirou.

Number of manga volumes you've read: 6
Number of episodes you've seen: 26
Number of merchandise you own: 0 `=x
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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #25 on: February 28 2006, 02:13 pm »
Top three characters: Syaoran, Sakura, Kurogane
Bottom three characters: Chii, Tomoyo, Primera
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Syaoran
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Chii
Favorite hair: Sakura
Favorite outfit: Syaoran
Favorite weapon: Fai's darts (:D)
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: have to agree with charcoalz, Kero would be nice and funny.
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Ryuo <3
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fai, Syaoran, Sakura
Favorite pairing: Sakura/Syaoran
Favorite bad guy: ...?  Uuh...Seishirou?

Top three worlds: Outo, Clow, Piffle
Bottom three worlds: Jade, Hanshin Republic, Koryo
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): the one in the jungle place
Least favorite feather: the one caught in Hanshin Republic
Favorite place (not world): Syaoran's home :D

Anime or manga: manga
Favorite manga volume: 8
Least favorite manga volume: 2
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): Syaoran and Sakura laying in the grass together
Favorite episode: Episode 20
Least favorite episode: the one where they went to that world with the guy like Syaoran (can't remember the number)
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Amrita
Favorite BGM song: A Song of Storm and Fire
Favorite seiyuu: tie between Yui Makino and Irino Miyu

One thing you would change: The slowness of Fai/Kuro
One thing you would NEVER change: The couplings
Whose gonna die in the end?:  hopefully no one...O_o

Number of manga volumes you've read: um...1-12? (chapitres 1-107, I've lost track of the Volume numbers)
Number of episodes you've seen: 25, to see 26 tomorrow
Number of merchandise you own: none, unfortunately.
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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #26 on: March 12 2006, 12:56 pm »
Top three characters:Sakura, Syaoran, Chii
Bottom three characters:....don't know
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Syaoran
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Tomoyo
Favorite hair: Sakura's
Favorite outfit: Sakura's
Favorite weapon: Syaoran's
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Sakura, Syaoran
Characters you'd like to see appear again:All of them!
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Only Sakura and Syaoran
Favorite pairing: S&S
Favorite bad guy: Seishiro

Top three worlds: Celes, Jade, Clow
Bottom three worlds: None
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): don't remeber them
Least favorite feather: Um....
Favorite place (not world): Like them all!

Anime or manga: Anime ( Never saw the Manga
Favorite manga volume: 7
Least favorite manga volume: 1
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose):
Favorite episode: 14
Least favorite episode: 1
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Loop
Favorite BGM song: A Song of Wind and Fire
Favorite seiyuu: ....

One thing you would change:
One thing you would NEVER change: S&S
Whose gonna die in the end?: No one

Number of manga volumes you've read: few
Number of episodes you've seen: about 15
Number of merchandise you own: none -- sobs

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #27 on: April 01 2006, 02:33 am »
Top three characters: Fai, Kurogane and...uh...Mokona. (...hey, I like Mokona...)
Bottom three characters: ...Um. o_o None?
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Ahhhhhhhh...Syaoran. Definitely.
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): ...uh...Sakura is...I dunno. More Mary-Sue like. So...(I have a bit of a love/hate thing for Tsubasa!Tomoyo too...)
Favorite hair: Sakura's...(although that Sakura-and-Himawari-in-pajamas pic gave her hair secret away: ROLLERS. XD
Favorite outfit: I've always liked Fai's Outo outfit. It's spiffy.
Favorite weapon: Those darts Fai used in Outo. It made me laugh to see Kurogane and Syaoran fighting with swords, and Fai just tossing these little darts around like 'wheeee!' XD
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: The Legal Drug boys (Rikuo and Kazahaya)...or an alternate version of the current Tsubasa group. (Alter!Fai XD That'd be funny. Poor Kuro-tan.)
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Chii.
Three characters you'd like to know more about: o_O
Favorite pairing: Kurogane/Fai.
Favorite bad guy: Oooh. Um. Hmmm...Seishirou...because he's bad-but-not. <3

Top three worlds: Outo, Piffle, Jade.
Bottom three worlds: Koryo, That-World-With-The-Lake, FairyPark. (Excluding Outo.)
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): Volume 7 (Seishirou's feather) because they didn't get it.
Least favorite feather: The first one. Found on Syaoran's coat. Meh.
Favorite place (not world): Ummm...Cat's Eye Cafe. I wanna go there for lunch! D:

Anime or manga: Manga.
Favorite manga volume: Six...and Seven.
Least favorite manga volume: Three...
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): Ooh eer. Um, I like the one with them all on the jeep thing in the flower field...and...uh...the one of Fai and Sakura cutting flowers. ^^
Favorite episode: ...Haven't seen the anime.
Least favorite episode: *sigh* ;_;
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): I HAVE heard some of no Machi he, and BLAZE.
Favorite BGM song: Strange Games.
Favorite seiyuu: ...I've heard all of them in a sound clip...and...Namikawa Daisuke. Definitely. XD

One thing you would change: ...Hmmm. More KuroFai is needed. ¬¬;
One thing you would NEVER change: The chemistry between Kurogane and Fai XD
Whose gonna die in the end?: NO ONE I HOPE. O_O Except...Fei Wong Reed.

Number of manga volumes you've read: 8/8 at the time of posting this.
Number of episodes you've seen: 0/26 (YET.)
Number of merchandise you own: Nothing except the mangas. *sigh*

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #28 on: April 01 2006, 06:23 am »
Top three characters: Fye, Yukito, Tomoyo
Bottom three characters: Primera, Sumomo, the evil guy in Chun Hyang's world and his son (that's four, but whatever)
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): None, I think. But then, I haven't seen much of CLAMP
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Sakura and Syaoran
Favorite hair: Fye's and Tomoyo's
Favorite outfit: Fye's movie outfit and Syaoran's mantle in Clow's country
Favorite weapon: I'll go with the flow and say the darts...
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Yue would be nice
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Clow, Ryou, Touya and Yukito
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fye, Clow and Syaoran (2)
Favorite pairing: Touya/Yukito, always. But I'm also a closet Fye/Kurogane fan...
Favorite bad guy: Kyle-sensei

Top three worlds: Clow's country, the one where Tomoyo is the boss of that company aaaand... can't think of anyone more
Bottom three worlds: The one with the lake, Chun Hyang's, and the one with the Kudans
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): the one in Chun Hyang's world, because it brought such a sad little memory
Least favorite feather: The one in Outo
Favorite place (not world): The diner in Outo, where Kaze no machi e was performed
Anime or manga: Anime
Favorite manga volume: Dunno... I missed some in the middle because the links wouldn't work
Least favorite manga volume: Dunno here either
Favorite episode: 1, 19 and 20
Least favorite episode: What number was it... the one where they found out that Kyle-sensei
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was the one who had been kidnapping the children

Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): You are my love - Sakura version, Kaze no machi e and BLAZE
Favorite BGM song: A Song of Ice and Storm, Ship of fools
Favorite seiyuu: I like Tomoyo's and Fye's. And Mokona's. :)
One thing you would change: Yukito's voice. As mentioned above, it's way too deep for him.
One thing you would NEVER change: The character design
Whose gonna die in the end?: Frankly, I don't think Tsubasa is the kind of series where major characters die, but if, I think it would be Fye...
Number of manga volumes you've read: I've been skipping around a lot, sometimes in the middle of a volyme.
Number of episodes you've seen: 26, plus movie
Number of merchandise you own: None
« Last Edit: May 03 2006, 04:57 am by Ando »
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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #29 on: April 01 2006, 06:48 am »
Top three characters: Sakura, Syaoran, and.... Tomoyo?
Bottom three characters: none
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): ergh, I dunno
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): I can't answer that
Favorite hair: Sakura's!
Favorite outfit: Sakura (again) in the Spirit country
Favorite weapon: Syaoran's sword
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: can't think... right now....
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Sakura's other self O_o if she had an other self... lol
Three characters you'd like to know more about: who knows
Favorite pairing: Sakura and Syaoran all the way!!!!!
Favorite bad guy: *stares blankly at the screen*

Top three worlds: the world with the bunnies, clow, oto
Bottom three worlds: I dunno!
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): oooh the feather from the country of Koryo
Least favorite feather: the world with the bunnies
Favorite place (not world): huzzah?

Anime or manga: manga
Favorite manga volume: 8
Least favorite manga volume: can't decide too hard
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): you mean in the front? vol. 1, 7, 9, 10, anything with S+S on it
Favorite episode: ep. 26
Least favorite episode: no clue
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Syaoran's image song, Kizuna (gets stuck in your head)
Favorite BGM song: Break the Sword of Justice , Strange Games, and A Song of Storm and Fire
Favorite seiyuu: none

One thing you would change: more S+S moments!!! please!!!
One thing you would NEVER change: S+S being the main characters! If they changed that, I probably wouldn't be reading Tsubasa today.
Whose gonna die in the end?: If it's Syaoran or Sakura, I'm gonna SCREAM. If it's both of them at the same time, I'd DIE. Um... die? Who knows.

Number of manga volumes you've read: 8 (every one that's out so far)
Number of episodes you've seen: all 26 episodes so far plus the movie
Number of merchandise you own: all the manga out so far, Tsubasa Character guide and.... is that really it???? that stinks... well a bunch of stuff on my com ^-^;;;

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #30 on: April 03 2006, 12:20 pm »
Top three characters: Fai, Mokona, Syaoran
Bottom three characters: Primela, Tomoyo (sick of her),
Character that you like better in Tsubasa: Kamui, Mokona
Character that you like less in Tsubasa: Sakura >.< I miss you CCSakura
Favorite hair: Fai
Favorite outfit: Kamui
Favorite weapon: Mokona O.o
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Subaru and Hokuto
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Seishirou - cos Subaru and Hokuto will be there
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fai, Syaoran, Yuuko
Favorite pairing: SxS
Favorite bad guy: Seishirou

Top three worlds: *shrug*
Bottom three worlds: that place with the rabbit things, Piffle World
Favorite feather: dont know
Least favorite feather: rabbits again
Favorite place (not world): Cat's Eye cafe

Anime or manga: manga
Favorite manga volume: dont know
Least favorite manga volume: where was piffle world?
Favorite colored manga picture: cant remember
Favorite episode: havent seen enough to say
Least favorite episode: as above
Favorite vocal song: Tsubasa "english"
Favorite BGM song: I talk to the rain
Favorite seiyuu: Who does Fai and Mokona?

One thing you would change: how long I have to wait for chapters
One thing you would NEVER change: Fai
Whose gonna die in the end?: Kurogane, fai, Yuuko?

Number of manga volumes you've read: all
Number of episodes you've seen: like 5
Number of merchandise you own: 0 ;_;

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #31 on: April 04 2006, 11:26 pm »
Top three characters: Syaoran, Sakura, Tomoyo
Bottom three characters: none
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Mokona
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Sakura, she needs more energy!
Favorite hair: Tomoyo
Favorite outfit: Syaoran's, goggles=love. And Tomoyo-hime!
Favorite weapon: Scarlet flame, Syao's sword
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: I would love sakura and syaoran to meet their CCS counterparts!
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Toya Yuki
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Tomyo-hime, Fai, Syaoran
Favorite pairing: S&S
Favorite bad guy: Seishirou

Top three worlds: Sharano, Outo and Clow
Bottom three worlds: none
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): hmm, thats hard. Probably the one in Jade where Emeraude-hime helped out ^_^
Least favorite feather: none
Favorite place (not world): Well, sorry but it is a world, but the lake country always seemed so peaceful ^_^

Anime or manga: Manga
Favorite manga volume: thats hard too! probably 6-8
Least favorite manga volume: none
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): can't choose X__X
Favorite episode: episodes 20-25
Least favorite episode: none
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Loop
Favorite BGM song: I talk to the rain/ voices silently sing
Favorite seiyuu: Irino Miyu and Makino Yui

One thing you would change: Sakura's lack of 'genki' ness
One thing you would NEVER change: Syaoran's determination
Whose gonna die in the end?: oh god. I have a feeling Syaoran will. but are CLAMP that evil?! ^^;

Number of manga volumes you've read: 14
Number of episodes you've seen: 26 and movie
Number of merchandise you own: all manga that's out here (8 manga volumes), japanese official fanbook, 2006 wallposter calender and bits and bobs...

Offline Kibou

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #32 on: April 05 2006, 09:36 pm »
Hi...I'm new and german  :tongue3:
I will start with this poll...because..this is easy to me, I think
I'm not good in english..or so   :tongue1:
But I'm bored at the moment...^^

Top three characters: Fai, Kurogane and Yuuko
Bottom three characters: Sakura...
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Mokona
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Sakura
Favorite hair: Kurogane's
Favorite outfit: Fai's
Favorite weapon: Kurogane's kudan
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: I don't know..
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Emeraude
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fai, Kurogane, Ashura
Favorite pairing: Kurogane x Fai
Favorite bad guy: Seishirou

Top three worlds: outo..
Bottom three worlds: Hanshin..
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): I hate the world..but I like the feather in masayoshi-kuns kudan ^-^
Least favorite feather: hm..none
Favorite place (not world): Cat's Eye ^^

Anime or manga: manga
Favorite manga volume: Volume 6
Least favorite manga volume: Volume 3
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose):
Favorite episode: 16
Least favorite episode: 4
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): aerial
Favorite BGM song:  I like the most of it
Favorite seiyuu: Kurogane's

One thing you would change: More Kurogane and Fai
One thing you would NEVER change: Nicknames of Kurogane
Whose gonna die in the end?: Fai or Ashura?! or both..

Number of manga volumes you've read: 1- 6 ( in german )..7-12 ( in english...but I don't understand all.. )
Number of episodes you've seen: 26
Number of merchandise you own: none..

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #33 on: May 01 2006, 11:27 am »
Top three characters: out of everybody?! hm...Tomoyo, Yuuko, and hard to choose.....Syaoran's "twin" !!!! XD scratch that. Fai.
Bottom three characters: most of the people in Hanshin Republic (okay well that's a lot...) yea that's it ^^
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Tomoyo and Mokona
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): i'm sure i have some, but i can't think of any at the moment
Favorite hair: actual hair: Sakura and maybe Yuuko's (super long ^^)| hair ornaments: Tomoyo
Favorite outfit: Tomoyo's (in Feudal Japan) and Yuuko's (most of them, especially the one she wore first in TRC)
Favorite weapon: Hien
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: CCS (DUH) hmm..and maybe more Angelic Layer...^^ (Misaki and Hikaru)
Characters you'd like to see appear again: hm....Chii? ^^ that'd be interesting
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Kurogane, Fai, Yuuko
Favorite pairing: SyaoxSaku
Favorite bad guy: Syaoran's "twin" (if he's a bad guy ^^ which he probably is..if not, then Kyle-sensei
Top three worlds: Piffle World, Sand Country, Yuuko's Japan
Bottom three worlds: Hanshin, Lake Country, and Bunny Country (the bunnies were kinda cute, but yeah ^^)
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): PIFFLE WORLD
Least favorite feather: etou....maybe.....the bunny world ^^;;
Favorite place (not world): Tomoyo's palace thing ^^

Anime or manga: MANGA
Favorite manga volume: Volume 15 (so far anyway ^^)
Least favorite manga volume: none really....
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): Chapter 91 color spread (ah...Tomoyo-ness...)
Favorite episode: 27
Least favorite episode: 26
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Kazemichi Jet and/or Jasmin
Favorite BGM song:  Hear Our Prayer (so Tomoyo-ish....X3)
Favorite seiyuu: Tomoyo's (Maaya Sakamoto) (DUH) and maybe Yui Makino

One thing you would change: Miyuki-chan in the Lake Country (i really can't find her..)
One thing you would NEVER change: Tomoyo's outfit(s) ^^
Who's gonna die in the end?: -tries not to think about it-

Number of manga volumes you've read: 15 volumes (8 volumes english, 7 volumes scanlation)
Number of episodes you've seen: 27
Number of merchandise you own: none  :cry:

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #34 on: May 01 2006, 11:59 am »
Top three characters: Syaoran, Sakura, Yuuko
Bottom three characters: Oruha, Primera, that Ryanban guy
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Can't pick
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Can't pick
Favorite hair: Syaoran
Favorite outfit: Sakura's in Oto XD
Favorite weapon: Scarlett Flame
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Yamazaki and Chiharu??
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Touya :D
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fai, Syaoran, and Kurogane
Favorite pairing: Sakura/Syaoran
Favorite bad guy: ...?  Seishiro

Top three worlds: Outo, Shara, Piffle
Bottom three worlds: None
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): the one in Jade
Least favorite feather: the one caught in Chunyan's world
Favorite place (not world): Sakura's balcony

Anime or manga: manga
Favorite manga volume: 8
Least favorite manga volume: 3
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): All :D
Favorite episode: Episode 27
Least favorite episode: Episode 16 >_>
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Amrita
Favorite BGM song: You Are My Love
Favorite seiyuu: Irino Miyu <3

One thing you would change: Umm... can't think.
One thing you would NEVER change: The couplings
Whose gonna die in the end?:  Syaoran... he risks his life for Sakura... *cries*

Number of manga volumes you've read: Can't think...
Number of episodes you've seen: 1-(can't remember the number), then I skipped some and watched 27 o.O bad me!
Number of merchandise you own: Nothing *sob*
Live life. And love Syaoran. - Cherry-chan
I miss you all, it's unfortunate that I haven't been frequenting this site anymore, but I will keep you all very dear in my heart
I'll try to visit as much as I can.

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #35 on: May 01 2006, 12:11 pm »
Top three characters: Kurogane, Mokona, Fye
Bottom three characters: Primera, Tomoyo, Ashera
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Can't pick
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Can't pick
Favorite hair: Kurogane
Favorite outfit: Sakura in Piffle
Favorite weapon: One of Mokona's 108 secret skills
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Too many to say
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Seishirou
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fai, Kurogane, SYAORANS PAST
Favorite pairing: Sakura/Syaoran
Favorite bad guy: ...?  Seishiro (is he bad?)

Top three worlds: Outo, Piffle, Japan (kurogane's)
Bottom three worlds: None
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): the one in jade world
Least favorite feather: the one caught in Chunyan's world
Favorite place (not world): Yuuko's shop drinking sake with her!

Anime or manga: manga
Favorite manga volume: 5
Least favorite manga volume: 7
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): problem is I cant
Favorite episode: Episode 27
Least favorite episode: Episode 14
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Hmm
Favorite BGM song: You Are My Love
Favorite seiyuu: None

One thing you would change: I would change this question
One thing you would NEVER change: Fye's mysterious side
Whose gonna die in the end?:  NO ONE

Number of manga volumes you've read: 1,000,000
Number of episodes you've seen: 27
Number of merchandise you own: 6
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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #36 on: May 01 2006, 12:54 pm »
Top three characters: Syaoran, Sakura and... Mokona!
Bottom three characters: Fei Wong Reed, Xing Huo (is that te name of the girl w/ Fei Wong?) and Kyle-sensei
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Syaoran, definitely!
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): uh... I don't know
Favorite hair: Syaoran's
Favorite outfit: Syaoran's
Favorite weapon: Hien
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: S&S of TRC meeting S&S of CCS
Characters you'd like to see appear again: their friends from Outo--apart from the incident in Piffle Country
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Syaoran, Fye and Kurogane
Favorite pairing: S+S
Favorite bad guy: Seishirou

Top three worlds: Clow, Piffle, Hanshin Republic
Bottom three worlds: Celes, Jade, Ryonfi
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): Piffle feather! Sakura did it! On her own too!
Least favorite feather: Seishirou's feather--Syaoran didn't get it.
Favorite place (not world): Cat's Eye Cafe (I know it was only a virtual reality, but I liked it)

Anime or manga: BOTH
Favorite manga volume: I liked them all... It's hard to choose.
Least favorite manga volume: Hard to choose... Like I said, I liked them all!
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): every single S+S manga pic
Favorite episode: ALL
Least favorite episode: NONE
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Kizuna! also Yume no Tsubasa, S+S duet version
Favorite BGM song: a song of storm and fire *if I got the title right*
Favorite seiyuu: Irino Miyu

One thing you would change: Yuuko--she should be softer with her prices. I hope she'll return the price of using Mokona *THE RELATIONSHIP*
One thing you would NEVER change: Crazy KuroxFai fights
Whose gonna die in the end?: NO ONE!!! Maybe the bad guys... But I'll never accept Syaoran or Sakura dying!

Number of manga volumes you've read: 15
Number of episodes you've seen: 27 *ALL*
Number of merchandise you own: 11.
« Last Edit: May 03 2006, 07:21 pm by Lonely Werewolf »

Offline kirbycat89

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #37 on: May 01 2006, 01:05 pm »
Top three characters:  Fai, Kurogane and Toya
Bottom three characters: Hmm....just that father and son in Spirit or whatever
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Syaoran
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Tomoyo (in Kurogane's world)

Favorite hair: Fai's :D
Favorite outfit: Fai's in the country of Outo and Kurogane's on that splash page in book seven)
Favorite weapon: That pole used to fight Kiishim ( The one that Kuro and Fai shared in book 3 XD)

Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: I'd like to see them land in CCS world :D
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Toya, Yukito, Ryuou, Watanuki XD
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fai, Kurogane and Syaoran
Favorite pairing: KuroxFai heehee
Favorite bad guy: Kyle....what?

Top three worlds: Outo, Piffle, that strange island o_o
Bottom three worlds: Hanshin, That lake place and.....
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): The very first one where Fai molests Syaoran XD

Least favorite feather: the bunny world one
Favorite place (not world): Cat's Eye Cafe...I would like to have a nice coffee or something there...

Anime or manga: Manga of course!
Favorite manga volume: Hmm....6 or 7
Least favorite manga volume: 2
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): Er....any picture with Fai and/or Kurogane
Favorite episode: Episode 16 :D
Least favorite episode: the first few in Hanshin
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): You are my Love (Sakura Version)
Favorite BGM song: Kaze no Machi e :D
Favorite seiyuu: Daisuke Kyaa

One thing you would change: Nothing really
One thing you would NEVER change: Fai's and Kurogane's personality
Whose gonna die in the end?: If I'd have to pick....Kurogane  :cry:  

Number of manga volumes you've read: Er...I've skipped around alot so I'm not sure
Number of episodes you've seen: 27 :D
Number of merchandise you own: 9 which is the manga  :cry:
*At a Store*

Employer: Excuse me, miss?
Me: Huh? Yeah?
Employer: You wouldn't happen to be the lost teenager  that some lady, that looks like you, is looking for. Are you?
Me: No, because I'm not lost. I'm here by the Milk section in a grocery store talking to you. I know exactly where I am.
Employer: Er....okay...thanks....*starts to walk off*
Me: Oh but! Do you know where the lady, who looks like me, is? I don't know where she is. I believe she's lost....
Employer: ........

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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #38 on: May 03 2006, 04:49 am »
Top three characters: Syaoran, Fye, Yuuko
Bottom three characters: Sakura, Mokona, Fei Wong Reed
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Tomoyo
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version): Mokona
Favorite hair: Tomoyo
Favorite outfit: Syaoran in girl-dress XD
Favorite weapon: Hien
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters: Lawful Drug
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Tomoyo^^
Three characters you'd like to know more about: Fye, Syaoran, that girl from Fei Wong Reed
Favorite pairing: SakuxSyao and FyexKuro (cannot decide)
Favorite bad guy: Shugo with his Kudan (was he really a bad guy? 0.o)

Top three worlds: Piffle World, Shurano, Outo country
Bottom three worlds: Clow World,
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught): Shurano
Least favorite feather: /
Favorite place (not world): the cerry tree in Outo country

Anime or manga: Manga
Favorite manga volume: 8
Least favorite manga volume: 12
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose): cover volume 14
Favorite episode: 27
Least favorite episode: 16
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs): Kaze no Machi e
Favorite BGM song: Breathless
Favorite seiyuu: Makino Yui

One thing you would change: more drunken scences
One thing you would NEVER change: Syaorans character^^
Whose gonna die in the end?: ehh...I hope nobody..

Number of manga volumes you've read: 1-5 (german) and 6-13 (japanese/ with the translations here)
Number of episodes you've seen: 27
Number of merchandise you own: Tsubasa Anime calender, both OST's (OST 2 - limited edition) , Character Guide (Manga)
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Re: Tsubasa Ultimate Poll of DOOM
« Reply #39 on: May 04 2006, 11:38 pm »
Top three characters: syaoran, sakura, Fai :inlove:
Bottom three characters: mmm...mokona, Feiwong, Toya
Character that you like better in Tsubasa (compared to their original version):I don't know...
Character that you like less in Tsubasa (compared to their original version):sakura(a bit)
Favorite hair:syaoran & Fai!!!!
Favorite outfit: jade and oto's clothes
Favorite weapon:hien
Crossover that you'd most like to see in future chapters:¿? I don't know much about ALL clamp's manga
Characters you'd like to see appear again: Chii
Three characters you'd like to know more about: syaoran, Fai, Fei wong
Favorite pairing:SakuraxSyaoran
Favorite bad guy: Kyle (he's clever...)

Top three worlds:Jade, Rekoruto?, Oto, Clow
Bottom three worlds:Hanshin, Koryo, race's world(I don't remember name...)
Favorite feather (as in, where it was/how it was caught):Rekoruto (library's world)
Least favorite feather: I don't know...
Favorite place (not world):syao's house in Clow kingdom

Anime or manga:manga!!!!!!!!!
Favorite manga volume:pfffff...I like all!!!
Least favorite manga volume: "   "     "
Favorite colored manga picture (if you can choose):cover volume 12
Favorite episode:26 ^____^
Least favorite episode:I don't know...^^
Favorite vocal song (op, ed, or insert songs):Loop, you are my love
Favorite BGM song:I like  a lot... :keke:
Favorite seiyuu:irino miyu & yui makino

One thing you would change:I'd like more blushing hehe...
One thing you would NEVER change:nothing...¬__¬
Whose gonna die in the end?:Fei Wong ( but he must say all the truth before die!!! :angry:)

Number of manga volumes you've read:7 bought, 8 online
Number of episodes you've seen:er...I don't know... :heh:
Number of merchandise you own:nothing!!!![ :cry:/color]