CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
fai's famous HYUU HYUU!
I've never really used 'Hyuu' in any sort of conversation. Maybe once during an AIM conversation, with someone who knows Tsubasa. But other than that...
I can whistle with mouth only (also backwards, sucking air in), on two fingers, on four and forming a ring with two fingers. Now I wish I can't >>" I use "hyuu", though!
--- Quote from: Time-Machine on December 07 2005, 04:09 pm ---I often get urges to go "hyuu" and sometimes even do, but no one gets it...
I tried explaining it to my sister, and she laughed and said I was weird  :cry:
--- End quote ---
The same thing happens to me! 'Hyuu' is such a fun word, and I wish that I could often say it outloud, but since my friends should I say it...unkown to anime and Tsubasa, they would look at me weird, even my own parents! :hehe:
My best friend sometimes says "Wheet-whoo!" in honor of Fai. (She's only read the official translation of the manga, so she uses that one.) I can actually whistle, so I don't think to use it, though it would be fun to try sometime. I love it when Fai uses it.
*giggles* I use Hyuu all the time on AIM and in public. People staring at me like o.0 is no problem! I'm used to it!
Although my favorite "Hyuu" was when Kuro-Rin said it in world, the name of which does not occure (SP?) to me at the moment.
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