CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE

fai's famous HYUU HYUU!

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I've never really used 'Hyuu' in any sort of conversation. Maybe once during an AIM conversation, with someone who knows Tsubasa. But other than that...

I can whistle with mouth only (also backwards, sucking air in), on two fingers, on four and forming a ring with two fingers. Now I wish I can't >>" I use "hyuu", though!


--- Quote from: Time-Machine on December 07 2005, 04:09 pm ---I often get urges to go "hyuu" and sometimes even do, but no one gets it...

I tried explaining it to my sister, and she laughed and said I was weird   :cry:

--- End quote ---

The same thing happens to me! 'Hyuu' is such a fun word, and I wish that I could often say it outloud, but since my friends should I say it...unkown to anime and Tsubasa, they would look at me weird, even my own parents!  :hehe:


My best friend sometimes says "Wheet-whoo!" in honor of Fai. (She's only read the official translation of the manga, so she uses that one.) I can actually whistle, so I don't think to use it, though it would be fun to try sometime. I love it when Fai uses it.

*giggles* I use Hyuu all the time on AIM and in public. People staring at me like o.0 is no problem! I'm used to it!

Although my favorite "Hyuu" was when Kuro-Rin said it in world, the name of which does not occure (SP?)  to me at the moment.


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