AuthorTopic: How did you discover TRC?  (Read 60475 times)

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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #80 on: July 28 2005, 02:58 am »
Lesse... I went to a book store to buy a Card Captor Sakura manga, and I saw Syaoran and Sakura together on the cover of another manga and I said, "Oh... Awesome!" So, I picked it up, bought it, and ended up finishing it in no time at all. ^ ^ I saw it was only #1, so I couldn't wait for the others.

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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #81 on: July 28 2005, 03:29 pm »
It was really weird how I discovered Tsubasa.  about a year ago, a friend I had made just a week or so ago (it's amazing how anime can get you to make friends so fast) mentioned a manga that contained characters from CCS (I was, and still am, a hypermaniacal fan of CCS) and other series, so obviously, I was curious about this new series. I went to a bookstore a few days later and found "Tsubasa" and I flipped through it. At first actually, I had ABSOLUTLEY NO IDEA WHAT ON EARTH WAS GOING ON!!!! But since it was a CLAMP series, and it contained characters from CCS, I bought it anyway, and I had to read it about 3 or 4 times over until I actually understood what the story was about, :sweatdrop:but after reading it so many times, I got hooked!  :haha: So now, here I am, posting this on the forum. ^_^
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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #82 on: July 29 2005, 02:23 pm »
How I found Tsubasa rc - an essay by...
jk :)
My story is kinda similar to Kirakirainu-san's.
Anyway, a year ago last monday, I was working at a day camp with a couple of friends of mine. while we had a calm moment, I noticed my friend "ham-ham" flipping through a manga. I was fairly familiar, but wasnt obsessed, with a few series, one of them being cardcaptor sakura (volume one being my very first manga ^.^!). I'm shy, so I looked casually at the back of the book, and saw the headline "SAKURA AND SYAORAN RETURN!!"
And in a very manga-ish way, I blinked and looked at the picture. My suspicions were confirmed when I saw a different looking (but definatly sakura) picture of sakura with wings! *gasp* I squealed and said, OMG let me see that really quick!. She passed it to me and I began to read. I had to stop 8 pages in, about when sakura glomped Syaoran, because it was time to work, but the thought stuck in my mind. the next week, I went to borders to go manga shopping, (which I rarely did back then when I had 3 toal manga) and it caught my eye. and THAT was the begining of an addiction, which wa the beggining of a greater addiction to ccs, then X, then chobits, then clover, and then ALL CLAMP manga. It's my anti drug! :)

Edit, 16 months later: Zomg, I was such a n00b... XD *hides under bed*
« Last Edit: October 13 2006, 08:17 am by suu_no_clover »
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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #83 on: July 31 2005, 07:26 pm »
i was at looking at pictures n stuff~

then at this favourites section i came across this TRC wallpaper, n i went n downloaded it ... i didn't know what it was about then but it was really nice ><;;

then when i looked closely at it i was like ... isn't that sakura? n syaoran(?) ?! n then i went to look for info on the series ... n thats how i became addicted ^_______^;;
- yuki-chan


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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #84 on: August 09 2005, 01:48 pm »
How I discovered it is quite a long story. A friend of mine was a fan of Pokemon, and she introduced me to it. I became a slight fan of the show when one day while I was watching it, and I saw a commercial of a new cartoon, starring on the WB: Cardcaptors.

I watched the show and I liked it, when one day my older sister who also was a fan of the show Cardcaptors went on the internet and found Cardcaptors Official Site, by Nelvana. I decided to go to that website and found another site from my search: Top Cardcaptors Sites. I looked at the various sites when I found a world separate from Cardcaptors; Card Captor Sakura.

Here I realized what the show was really like and after watching the last episode, when Syaoran's American counterpart, Li Showran, didn't reveal his feelings, my interests faded and I found out more about Card Captor Sakura thanks to one of my favorite websites, I read CCS fanfics on and off for maybe 3-4 years. My interest eventually died when one day it suddenly came back.  I searched the internet for more websites on CCS when during my search led me to this site! It occured to me that I would probably never see CCS uncut so I satisfied my S&S craving with Tsubasa. And thanks to this website I was able to find Sakura Hybrid and finally see all my beloved CCS episode, but after watching them from beginning to end my interest waned slightly and this became my new love!

Hope this wasn't too long, boring, or Kami-sama forbid, off topic.

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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #85 on: August 10 2005, 12:24 am »
I was going to the bookstore to buy a volume of CCS, when I saw Sakura on the spine of another book (TRC vol1) and bought it on the spot.  Since then I haven't missed a volume, and got all my friends hooked.  I didn't discover the anime until about volume three.  I was looking for wallpapers and found this place. :D Here I saw the link to the anime and began that collection.  I'm really glad I found this place.  It brings me nothing but joy.   :XD:

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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #86 on: August 29 2005, 01:58 am »
I was happily reading my cousin´s mangas (I am not permited to do so, but she was out with her boyfriend, so there) when I saw volume one of TRC
I think I sceamed something like 'SYAORAN????????' because my mother came upstairs thinking I was playing video games or something and told me to shut up since I was jumping up and down my cousin-s bed (she tried to kill me afterwards, but I survived because in my mind there was only one though : HAVE TO SURVIVE TO READ THIS MANGA!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #87 on: September 01 2005, 12:48 am »
Little Fye-chan walked to school...was in school....sat down next to her friend and out of a sudden her friend talked and talked and talked about a new Card Captor story or something like that. At this time there was even in japan only the first book realised.
Little Fye-chan wasn't such interested in it... :dodge:
Something like one year later I see the first book in my bookstore...
Fye-chan looked...Fye-chan remembered...Fye-chan got excited...she bought it...went home and read it...and Fye-chan got totally in love with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :inlove:

Ah yeah: my friend bought it too but I think she doesn't like it so much like she love CCS... :sweatdrop:
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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #88 on: September 05 2005, 03:15 am »
Hm.. I first discovered TRC.. actually, I don't quite remember.  :sweatdrop:

 What I do remember was seeing the manga at Sakura Con the second time I went, and I was so excited about it. I brought the first two volumes of it ( hardback and in japanese ) and then.. just after I finished purchasing them, I turned around and saw it in english! Oii! I felt so stupid. n__n; But yeah, thats how it developed anyway and I started to buy the english verison from then on.
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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #89 on: September 15 2005, 08:29 pm »
A friend by the name of Go Go Yubari on the other forum that I frequent told me that CLAMP was publishing Tsubasa and XXXholic last year. Then, I saw it in the shops, the Del-ray translations and got them. My sister collects XXXhoilc and I collect the Tsubasa ones. The rest is history.

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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #90 on: September 16 2005, 02:15 am »
Whoa. *blinkblink* I need to transport waayy back for this...

Well, around 2-3 years ago, I was still very much in love with CCS. Then somehow, suddenly, word got around that a new manga by clamp was released in Japan aka TRC, which comprised of Syaoran as the main character. ^^" That was the only thing I knew about it, but it still got a standard fan-girl reaction: "OMG SYAORAN SYAORAN SYAORAN SYAORAN SYAORAN?! Yeesssss! <33" xD Unfortunately comics from japan always take waaay long to get over to my country, so I waited...and waited...and forgot...;_;

Until my friend told me she had bought the first comic.*grin* She wasn't all that obsessed over it, so she gave it to me for a b'day present-- and my love for it started from there. ^^

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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #91 on: September 19 2005, 10:16 am »
I was on  a CCS image hunt and came across the Captured Wings CCS site XD At the top it talked about Tsubasa Chronicles "ON AIR" or something like that xP So i was like, "what the...?" I did a little "research", and learned about the story, the crossover stuff, etc, etc. So I was like, "I MUST BUY THE MANGA FOR THIS!" I didnt actually start to watch the anime until episode 5 had come out, but after that, I WAS HOOKED ON TSUBASA

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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #92 on: September 23 2005, 01:21 pm »
*cough* This thread XD.

Iv'e never heard of TRC before this thread,and i wanted to see what happened,so i asked my parents to drop me off at a manga&Comiczz *somewhere in San Diego,i forgot if that's what the store was called,and to see if they had accutly had the manga*

I'm still addicted to it ^_^

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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #93 on: September 25 2005, 10:50 pm »
tehee!  :hehe: I Can only thanks my friend that i become TRC Fan! Mu friend talk about it and say that I MUST Buy it so I buy TRC. Now I can't live without TRC!!!   :greengrin:

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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #94 on: October 14 2005, 03:55 pm »
one day in 2003....
I always buy this magazine called "Kreko" which means crazy people (about anime, manga & game of course!). I bought 1 that day, read the manga scanlations inside & flip to manga news section. then, OMG! O_o SAKURA & SYAORAN!!!! I immediately read about it & OMG! THEY BACK! I shouted at my brother who use the PC at that time, "I WANNA USE THE COMPUTER, NOW!" I search about it at yahoo and then found the scanlations & d/l it immediately. that's how I addicted to Tsubasa till now.  :)
but, in that magazine, they didn't put "Tsubasa" in the news title.  :sweatdrop: only put RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE. it's kinda hard to search at the net coz of the title....  :sweatdrop: and they say it's the continuation of CCS but they're wrong about it....  :sweatdrop:
and at my country, they sells the manga is SO EXPENSIVE!  :cry:

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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #95 on: October 14 2005, 05:22 pm »
I remember reading an article on the Tsubasa anime in a fairly recent anime 'zine (NewType or Anime Insider--can't remember which).  I liked the character designs and thought the girl looked an awful lot like Sakura (I never could get into CCS), but wasn't sure if it was her.  And I also remember thinking something like, "I bet if I took a quiz on this anime, I'd be that goofy looking guy with the dazed look and silly grin."  In the end, I became overly curious and took a quiz and sure enough, I was Fai.  My results variated between him and Mokona and I found a really cute fanart with them and used them as a display picture on Messenger.

My cousin and friend both saw the display picture and began telling me how great the manga was and I had to go and buy it and check out xxxHOLIC while I was at it. I actually didn' t intend to get it since I was spending enough money on manga as it was.  I wound up at Amazon looking for a cheap copy of volume 1 and while trying to figure out the Super Savings on shipping I accidentally wound up buying volume 1 of Tsubasa. Guess I was fated to have it. Since I was gonna get it, I skimmed it at the store, found I really liked it and picked up volume 3 while there. (I read nothing in order)

But, anyway, now I have the first four volumes and absolutely love this manga. ^^  It's quickly become one of my favorites.

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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #96 on: October 15 2005, 08:21 am »
i was looking for some S+S cute pictures, then i found i wear picture it seem to be sakura and syaoran grow up so i click on the picture. then i read something amazing in pick font i read "Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles" so i read the story and found out that the main characters were sakura and syaoran form ccs, i got exited and after that amazing day i started looking for TRC episodes manga and everything i could find.
That amazing day happened in february of htis year 20005. :) a happy day! :)

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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #97 on: October 15 2005, 06:35 pm »
Well, I discovered TRC when i was in 2nd yr. high school. Actually, i can't remember the year. i'm 4th yr now so its up to you to think what year i discovered it (0ops!  :sad5: sorry for the rude talk minna-san)  :sweatdrop: Niweiz, the way i discovered TRC is quite weird and stupid for me.  :hehe:

One day, I was looking at for CHOBITS infos... But i don't know why the heck the word TSUBASA came into my mind. Then, I saw Tsubasa. I clicked it and to my surprise, the links there are saying "A huge crossover by CLAMP".... "CROSSOVER"? what crossover? there are no crossovers in CHOBITS! And again, i clicked the link and to my surprise again,  I saw Sakura & Syaoran!!!! Older than their ages in CCS!!!! "Oh my God!!!!!!! I have to buy a manga of this anime!!!!! But unfortunately, i can't see any manga of TRC in our country....  :cry:

And now! in the year 2005! I saw the volume 2 of TRC!!!! So, i bought it!!! And since Then, Me and my brother got hooked up in TRC so much! (brother! you should at least thank me! If it weren't for me you wouldn't know TRC!!!!!!!!!!! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) :laughing4:

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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #98 on: October 16 2005, 08:20 am »
um I dont actually know when or where i found out about Tsubasa. I  think it was when I was looking up CCS stuff and came across it. But it doesnt really matter, as long as i know about it now.
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Re: How did you discover TRC?
« Reply #99 on: October 16 2005, 11:56 pm »
i was like two and a half years ago... somebody commented on one of the CCS fanfictions that i was readin about the new sort of "crossover" Manga that clamp is doing with syaoran and sakura as thier main characters,,, since i was a big SS i check it out, got to read the first few chapters... and bam! i became addicted... :D