CLAMP's Famous Works > Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE
Funimation has Tsubasa.
Um... the release date for the first DVD of Tsubasa is set for May 22, 2007.
All I ask is that Sakura's voice not sound like a mouse that has swallowed helium.
Cardcaptor Takato:
According to ANN, Funi has officially announced the English cast for the Tsubasa dub. You can read the list of the English voice artists here:
I have to say I wasn't expecting Vic Mignogna to play Fai, but that should be an interesting experience. For those wondering what the dub might be like, Colleen Clickenbeard will be the ADR director for the dub, and she was also the ADR director for the FMA dub, so if you're also a fan of the FMA dub, you hopefully won't have anything to worry about with Tsubasa.
Ok, I just saw the voice actor information..... the only wish I had was that Sakura not sound like she had swallowed helium.... Monica Rial sounds like that in a lot of the work she does.... I am so disappointed.
Cardcaptor Takato:
It's a little unfair to judge a dub before you've seen it. With someone like Collen Clickenbeard directing, it might not turn out that bad. Just give it a chance before you pass judgment on it. But TBH, all I really care about is for somebody to get Tomoyo's voice right this time. That's all I ask for.
--- Quote from: Cardcaptor Takato on February 28 2007, 08:11 am ---
I have to say I wasn't expecting Vic Mignogna to play Fai, but that should be an interesting experience.
--- End quote ---
Well what voiceactors they get dosen't really much to me because I probably won't watch much of the dub, but I don't think Vic Mignogna fits to talk Fai, what I have heard of him I think he has a pretty dark voice which I don't think will fit Fai very well....... I haven't heard the other voiceactors on the list..
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